🌳 Weiße Bäume / White trees [GER/ENG]

Wenn etwas Schnee liegt bekommt man echt schöne schwarz/weiss Bilder. Sind ganz natürliche Kontraste. Hier zB. ein paar winterliche Bäume. Und damit wünsche ich euch einen guten Start ins Wochenende!

When there is some snow you get really nice black and white pictures. These are very natural contrasts. Here, for example, a few wintry trees. And with that, I wish you a good start to the weekend!




The white of the snow contrasts beautifully with the black of the vegetation to create a scenic image. You captured this one quite well. Thanks for sharing and have a good weekend.

Wow! Impressive!

BEERHey @borsengelaber, here is a little bit of from @ozelot47 for you. Enjoy it!

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