Spanish improvisational dance VIDEO

in Bee on the Stage3 years ago (edited)

Hi , how are you ?

I came back with a new dance video😍


We had closed the dance school for 1 week because of the corona, but if it were not for the corona, we could not open it because it was the religious month of Muharram, and because of Tasua and Ashura (if you are interested in seeing the previous two posts, I explained it completely), any happiness is forbidden in Iran q(≧▽≦q)

In short, the first day we opened the hall, the classes were over and we were turning off the lights when the sound of this song came!

I said wait, I want to dance o(^▽^)┛

And that's how I danced this for you without coordination and with love 💖

I hope you like it 👇🤗🥰



Thank you to the esteemed members of the wonderful @bee-stage community , For their troubles 💐

@ocdb @photoman @theycallmedan @minnowsupport


پست های آموزنده ای دارید سارا جان , موفق باشید😇

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