The Fly & The Sledgehammer show 2/20/22

The topics were all related by branches of twisted ideology that we see in the mainstream narrative these days. As I did basically no promotion for the show yesterday there was only @jonyoudyer who joined the open discussion.

We talked about the California Democrat fronted bill that aims to make the Covid19 vaccine mandatory for ALL business. This is an exasperated narrative that should be at this point moot, yet we see power hungry 'leaders' on the global stage still pushing medical tyranny on the population of Earth.

This while they constantly show their own ineptitude to deliver the supposed safe inoculation against the most dangerous virus ever unleashed against human kind( sarcasm ).
2900 vaccines stored in freezer 'too long', 560 plus administered regardless.

Speaking of tyranny, Canada threatens to freeze crypto wallets amongst assets of Freedom Convoy supporters. Calling them terrorist basically allowing them to seize citizens financials, private property and freedom. Their ignorance is bliss as NUNCHUK software company reminds them how crypto works.

Finally we tied it all up with the hypocrisy and farce of the justice system these days as a BLM 'activist' is released on bail hours after shooting at a democratic mayor candidate headquarters. Despite charges of attempted murder, this person was deemed releasable while there are current people being held w/out bond still from the January 6 2021 protest. HMMMM WHO GOT THAT PRIVILEDGE? HMMM

It would be just swell if next time ya'll come join me for THE FLY & THE SLEDGEHAMMER SHOW


It was a good time! To bad the others who said bring back GHRO flaked.

I figure that if we are meant to have a real come back.. we will attract people who really want to work with us. I appreciate you @Jonyoudyer & @canna-curate ! RESPECT