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RE: Limburgs zuurvlees recipe ~ a Dutch meat dish with fries 🇳🇱

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago

That looks amazing and now that I know what is in the sauce!

I want to make it!

I found what seems to be a comprable ingredient for applestroop here:

The bread I will probably not get THAT one but a dense spicy bready cakey business I will find!

I totally get you about recipes! Let the ancestors whisper in your ear "That is enough garlic my child. Now add a pinch of salt."


Thank you so much @zakludick 😁😎

That is the right thing it is the exact same product just not the fancy photo label.
It will do.

If you can’t find the peperkoek. I have made it sometimes just with the Appelstroop and added a starch to thicken it up. Maybe add some similar spices… so a bit of ginger, nutmeg, some extra cloves… might just work.

Yay… you understand 😁😎
So glad you liked my recipe and want to make it. 🥳🥳
Have an awesome day further!

Dit gaan baie lekker wees. 👌

Ek sal fotos neem!

Ja zeker, kijk ernaar uit om die foto’s te zien 😎😁 en te horen wat jullie ervan vinden 🤓

Hehehe, jy sal sien!

Ek gaan eerstens dit moet so na aan die oorsprinklike resep moet maak.

Daarna sal ek miskien speel en 'n braai-zuurvlees moet maak!

Yep, klinkt goed. Eerst het oorspronkelijke en dan kun je het aanpassen naar wat jij lekker vind 😉
Die Appelstroop houdt zich heeeeeeel lang goed. Is ook lekker op een boterham met kaas. 😎

Hmmmmm klink heerlik!