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RE: The not-so-quick-quick-pasta :BB🐝

in Foodies Bee Hive8 months ago

Hello there. I did not even know that this is a thing.

I have been using Foodies Bee Hive for years so am I alright with now showing MY face in the posts?

Is this just to "get to know" the new posters?

Also, do they need to do this on their first Foodies Bee Hive post in the community or how long does it apply?

I would like to know because I on-board people to Hive and posting about Food is something a lot of people would be drawn to!


Hi @zakludick

We don't understand why you are responding to this message if it's not with you? Or is this a farming ring?

Although users have been posting on Foodies Bee Hive for some time, if the team considers it necessary for them to appear in the publications, in the photos, we can request it.

Good day @foodiesunite.

We don't understand why you are responding to this message if it's not with you?

Your message to Julia is in public, not private. I believe I already explained why I am asking follow-up questions. I am merely trying to understand what the rules are.

Or is this a farming ring?

This is not a very nice thing to say. No, this not a farming ring. @juliadick (Julia Dick) and @jasperdick (Jasper Dick) are friends of ours. I introduced them to Hive, though Julia's husband, Jasper has been busy for much longer.

Julia has just started getting active again so I am just showing some interest and since myself and my wife, @clairemobey post in Foodies Bee Hive, its quite relevant that I ask questions.

So though the last four letters in the account names are the same, my surname is Ludick and their's is Dick. We are not related. But we all live in Cape Town and know each other. But people have made that mistake thinking my name must be "Zaklu" for some reason.Also, I think I understand why you might think our accounts are related. @zakludick is actually Zak Ludick.

@jasperdick and @clairemobey do music together, collaboratively they are called Mobey Dick. If you would like to check that, you can probably find all of us on Facebook and Mobey Dick on Youtube. Though its Julia Baker, her maiden name.

Although users have been posting on Foodies Bee Hive for some time, if the team considers it necessary for them to appear in the publications, in the photos, we can request it.

Noted. Like I said. I am really only trying to learn and to help guide others.

Hi @zakludick

We didn't really see that spelling detail of the surname coincidence.

Since you want to learn, we invite you to read this post carefully:

And it will be great, from now on, to see you and all your friends (@juliadick @clairemobey @jasperdick), in photos, making the recipes that you and they present in this community, or presenting your gastronomic reviews, you know, it's a way for new users on Hive to get to know you, and for us to remember your faces. This will be great to do for several posts, not just one, but for a while.


Alright. Good to know. Thanks.