Pasta (Indian style) with Turkey 🦃

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago (edited)


Necessity is the mother of invention. What to do if you have curry sauce, turkey cutlets & pasta?
Mix it up and see how it goes!


Preheated airfryer to 350 degrees and heated up cutlets for around 7 minutes on each side — lightly marinated in olive oil, salt, pepper, garlic & a splash of pineapple juice (I was out of lemons 🤷🏻‍♂️). I, also, threw in an onion, which added flavor to the mix.


I steamed corn on the side to sweeten the meal and once the pasta was ready, al dente, in 9 minutes I applied the warmed up curry sauce over the airfried turkey & steamed corn. Instead of a salad, served meal with a juicy red tomato. Delish & healthy dish.


For desert, I had this exotic fruit, dragon fruit, which tastes like a cross between pear and kiwi (but milder) and is very good for you 🤗
