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RE: FOODIES BEE HIVE Digest - FOODIE Community Incubation With OCD, 3Speak, posh token

in Foodies Bee Hive4 years ago

For over a month it has become impossible for me to post a comment using your front-end. I use Keychain and I guess there is some problem with Keychain when performing some operations. Changing nodes is of no help either. However, upvoting function goes through as usual. Kindly confirm that it hasn't got anything to do with your front-end. May be, you can co-ordinate to resolve the issue. Thanks!


Make sure you are using the Hive KeyChain.

Ah sorry! I got it wrong.
Yes, I do use Hive Keychain but face this problem.

Tested again by signing out of all other keychains and using only Hive Keychain (as I'm simultaneously signed into many keychains). But sadly, It doesin't work for me. Is it working for you?

Apologies for your experience but we do not seem to have any issues with using either Hivesigner or Hive Keychain to login/use the site.

Well, it's not just your front-end but I get this problem with other scot tribes too ...except leofinance. But may be, it's because leofinance has got rid of this condenser and has got its own.

Dunno what changed as everything was working well at my end a few months back. Anyway, thanks for your feedback!

We'll pass on the feedback and mention it to the devs on the tribes server.

Thanks for all your help!
The new version release of Keychain has solved this problem for me.

Your balance is below 0.3 HIVE. Your account is running low and should be replenished. Check out the Dustsweeper FAQ here:

That's quite strange! I'm experiencing this problem for over a month now and I thought the problem was somewhere at your end. Now I'd need to find out what's wrong at my end.

Thanks for confirming, btw!