The Perfect Plant Taco

TokyoTaco food truck in Sydney's Welcome Fest (Campus)

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Ordering the perfect plant based taco was definitely a great choice. It came with wholegrain brown rice, tamari adobo and braised jack fruit. The pickled radish and plant-based umami mayo were two other hits! Due to the deliciousness of this lunch box-alternative, I highly recommend ordering one of your own.

When you think of sushi and tacos, it just makes sense. They have taken the traditional concept of sushi and combined it with their favourite Mexican dishes to bring you a savoury taco wrap that's perfect for any occasion. Think like a poke bowl but wrapped in a fried seaweed tempura.


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The temporary food truck was popped up to provide affordable food for the newly-enrolled students. They are participating a welcome fest by our school, so we decided to visit their stalls.


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Wah so well written! Kekeke