Sweet and sour stirfry 😋

I can't believe it's Wednesday again time flies by so quickly. On Monday we went to Kimberly for a checkup at the doctor's. Everything is going well with my pregnancy. I'm so happy about that. And the Doctor said that it looks like we getting a baby girl. Oh, we are so excited about her.

Let me start talking about food again haha, on Thursday night I made some nice stir-fry with chicken fillet vegetables, and rice.

The stir-fry is not expensive to make and it very00 delicious also.
What you need for the stir-fry are.

Children fillet
Butter to fry
Sweet and sour sauce
Stir-fry vegetable mix
Salt and pepper or your choice of spices

You can add your amount of ingredients to everything how you like.
Now for the step-by-step just scroll down and see what I did. 😉

Firstly I took a cup of rice added it to a pot with water rinsed it well and let it cook with some salt.

Next up I took the red and white onions cut them and added them to the stir-fry pan.

I always buy chicken from this one farmer who asks for much cheaper than the shops. I like the fillet I use twice on this pack.
So I took 2 pieces and cut them up.

I always buy margarine instead of butter. But the other day the butter was so cheap at spar that it was 2 ×500g for only R120 so I bought the butter real butter.

I took a piece of butter and cut them up into blocks add it to the onions to fry.

While the onions started to fry I added the chicken also.

When the children and onions were busy frying I added some spices and let them cook together.

I brought some stir-fried vegetables in the pack mushrooms, carrots, green beans peas, and peppers. It's a nice variety of vegetables. When the chicken and onions were almost done I added the vegetables in as well.

Now to give it some more taste I brought this delicious sweet and sour sauce to add. This made the dish very tasty. I can remember when we were small and my parents made stirfry we used this same sauce. I added this sauce to the food and let it cook for about 5 minutes.

Now the dish was done and ready to eat. I hope that someone will try this out. It's delicious.
You guys must have a wonderful day. I hope that you guys are safe. Be careful about whatever you do.
Cheers for now xx


Que rico se ve el salteado de vegetales agridulce gracias por compartir

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