in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago


Hola mis queridos amigos espero se encuentren muy bien,en esta oportunidad quise crear una iniciativa sobre cuales son las 3 comidas de tu pais y hoy quiero hablarles y recomendarles 3 comidas típicas de mi Pais Venezuela, espero sea de su agrado y si en algún momento llegan a visitar Venezuela, acá les dejo una referencia de que comida pueden probar acá 😉.
Hello my dear friends I hope you are very well, this time I wanted to create an initiative about what are the 3 foods of your country and today I want to talk to you and recommend 3 typical foods of my Country Venezuela, I hope you like it and if at some point They come to visit Venezuela, here is a reference of what food they can try here 😉.

Iniciamos con el Pabellón Criollo, este plato rico en proteínas, está compuesto por arroz, caraotas negras, carne mechada, y tajadas, un plato realmente nutritivo y saludable, además de sus mixtos sabores, todos sus colores a la hora de servir no hará más que llenarte de deseo por comer, este plato es excelente para un almuerzo en familia, también lo pueden acompañar con un buen vaso de Papelón con limón o bien sea con un vaso de jugo de naranja o Gaseosa.


We start with the Pabellón Criollo, this dish rich in protein, is composed of rice, black beans, shredded meat, and slices, a really nutritious and healthy dish, in addition to its mixed flavors, all its colors when serving will not do more that fill you with the desire to eat, this dish is excellent for a family lunch, you can also accompany it with a good glass of Papelón with lemon or with a glass of orange juice or soda.

El segundo plato sería el Asado Negro, consiste en una pieza del cuarto trasero de la res, conocida en Venezuela como muchacho redondo, la cual se marina durante 12 horas con su respectivo vino y especies. Luego, se cocina con una salsa de color negro dulzona, hecha con vino, hojas de laurel, azúcar o papelón. Este plato por lo general se sirve con arroz y tajadas, al comerlo sentiras la satisfaccion de haber probado una buena comida, este plato se puede acompañar con una copa de vino suave,una gaseosa o como lo prefiera el comensal.


The second dish would be the Asado Negro, it consists of a piece of the back quarter of the beef, known in Venezuela as a boy round, which is marinated for 12 hours with its respective wine and spices. Then, it is cooked with a sweet black sauce, made with wine, bay leaves, sugar or papelón. This dish is usually served with rice and slices, when you eat it you will feel the satisfaction of having tasted a good meal, this dish can be accompanied with a glass of soft wine, a soft drink or whatever the diner prefers.

Por último tenemos la Cachapa con queso y cochino frito, esto es a base de maíz dulce conocido como mazorca, elote, o jojoto tierno, esto se muele y se hace una mezcla que se lleva a la plancha dándole su respectiva forma circular y al finalizar obtienes la Cachapa, luego se rellena de mantequilla con queso y cochino frito, este plato es perfecto para acompañarlo con una Malta (gaseosa), inmediatamente esta comida hara explosiones de sabores y enamorará completamente tu paladar.


Finally we have the Cachapa with cheese and fried pork, this is based on sweet corn known as cob, corn, or tender jojoto, this is ground and a mixture is made that is grilled giving it its respective circular shape and at the end You get the Cachapa, then it is filled with butter with cheese and fried pork, this dish is perfect to accompany it with a Malta (soda), immediately this meal will make explosions of flavors and will completely fall in love with your palate.

Bueno mis amigos es todo por hoy espero les haya gustado, y si visitan Venezuela no duden en probar estos platos maravillosos, espero se animen hacer esta iniciativa y asi podremos conocer un poco de la gastronomia de sus paises, hasta la próxima saludos🤗.

Well my friends it's all for today I hope you liked it, and if you visit Venezuela do not hesitate to try these wonderful dishes, I hope you will be encouraged to do this initiative and so we can get to know a little about the gastronomy of your countries, until next time greetings.

La foto de portada la edite con Canva, utilice traductor google para traducir.

Edit the cover photo with Canva, use google translate to translate.


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Whenever I had planned to visit Venezuela for sure I would love to taste pabellon Criolla; hehe thanks for describing it in a good manner.

Hopefully you can come and enjoy our meals, not only the Pavilion is delicious, all the other dishes are excellent. Greetings 🤗