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RE: So Odd I don't even know what to call it.... Manna cake and hummus perhaps?

in Foodies Bee Hive10 months ago

Hi @tergan

Sorry for the delay. When I saw your post I started to write a comment and then the power went out in my area...situation that happens every day and affects my work.

I am glad you were motivated by my work to make these two great recipes. I wanted to tell you that when you have recipes like this, extensive, it is good that you fraction your work, that is, that you publish each recipe separately.

Now, regarding the chickpea hummus, it was just right, delicious, spicy, with texture (I like it that way too), ideal for dressing and to use as a spread.

As for your manna cake, I'll tell you that sometimes it's very complicated to make vegan cakes if you don't have a previously tested recipe, because you don't get enough cohesion and structure. I would recommend two things: One is to beat the aquafaba at high speed, with electric sticks, to aerate it, this helps to give more structure to the preparation; and the other is that you add one or two chia or flax eggs, but instead of using the whole seeds, minutes before hydrating them, grind them dry and then hydrate them with hot water and activate them for about 30 minutes. The mucilage provided by these seeds is ideal to give cohesion to vegan cakes and cookies. In fact, I have already veganized traditional Venezuelan dessert recipes and I get a better result by replacing the chicken eggs with chia or flax eggs prepared in this way, grinding the seeds minutes before using them (if you grind them before, they become bitter).

I love the use of the banana, apple and blueberry powders, that's a great job, just getting those powders would have looked ideal in a post, as it's a time and effort consuming elaboration. I think they added flavor, color and fiber to your recipe; the only thing I would recommend is that they were 100% organic fruits to avoid consuming toxic elements.

I have no doubt that the taste of your manna cake was delicious, even if it didn't turn out beautifully.


Hola @tergan

Disculpa la tardanza. Cuando ví tu post comencé a escribir un comentario y luego se interrumpió el servicio eléctrico en mi zona... situación que se presenta a diario, afectando mi trabajo.

Me siento contenta de que te hayas motivado en mi trabajo para hacer estas dos súper recetas. Quería decirte cuando tengas recetas así, extensas, es bueno que fracciones tu trabajo, o sea, que publiques cada receta por separado.

Ahora bien, con respecto al hummus de garbanzos, quedó en su punto, delicioso, especiado, con textura (a mí me gusta así también), ideal para aderezar y usar como untable.

En cuanto a tu pastel maná, pues te diré que a veces resulta muy complejo el hacer pasteles veganos si no se cuenta con una receta previamente comprobada, pues no se alcanza la cohesión y estructura suficientes. Yo te recomendaría dos cosas: Una, batir el aquafaba a alta velocidad, con varillas eléctricas para airearlas, esto ayuda a que provea más estructura a la preparación; y por otra parte, que añadas uno o dos huevos de chía o de lino, pero que en vez de usar las semillas enteras, minutos antes de hidratarlas, las muelas en seco para luego hidratarlas con agua caliente y activarlas por unos 30 minutos. El múcilago que proveen estas semillas es ideal para darle cohesión a los pasteles y galletas veganas. De hecho, yo antes he veganizado recetas de postres tradicionales venezolanos, y logro un mejor resultado sustituyendo los huevos de gallina por huevos de chía o de lino, preparados de ese modo, moliendo las semillas minutos antes de usarlas (si las mueles antes, se ponen amargas).

Me parece estupendo el uso de los polvos de banana, manzana y arándanos, ese es un súper trabajo, sólo la obtención de esos polvos habrían quedado ideales en un post, pues es una elaboración que requiere tiempo y esfuerzo. Creo que le añadieron sabor, color y fibra a tu receta; lo único que recomendaría es que fuesen frutas 100% orgánicas, para evitar el consumo de elementos tóxicos.

No dudo que el sabor de tu pastel maná haya sido delicioso, aún cuando no haya quedado hermoso.



I really wanted to split it into two posts. Honestly I did. However one time I posted about making hummus in the #hivelearners and I know that #foodiebeehive doesn't like duplicate posts. The dilemma was I needed to show how I got the aquafava but didn't want to run foul of the guidelines.

Result: The post went way longed than I liked 😟

I considered just showing how to make powdered apple but again, I understand the community to make actual dishes and powdered apple and banana is just making an ingredient not an actual dish 😟

I do like experimenting and I have tried the chia egg before and will likely try it again. I'll probably redo this fruit bread sometime and hopefully you won't mind me posting a second time....hopefully with better results :)

Thanks for reading,
and I know I'm new to the community, I'll take any advice you have so I can abide by the rules and be a good foodie poster. Even if I prove to be an unusual one 🤣

I like that you are honest. It was a good idea then to make a long post, because in this specific case, it was necessary. In the future you can repeat the recipe a second time, mentioning and sharing the link in this post, and I also hope you have a good result. I think you will have it. Greetings and happy Sunday!

I do try to follow the rules :)

Lying on a public blockchain doesn't really work well in the end :)