Turmeric: A Panacea

in Foodies Bee Hive4 years ago

Hello Friends,

Turmeric (Curcuma longa), a common and inevitable ingredient of every Indian kitchen has been known for its medicinal values in Ayurveda since its origin in Indian subcontinent. It reached China around 700 AD and later Arab traders took it to European countries in about 13th century.


How to take it?

The edible part of plant is an underground stem known as rhizome. These rhizomes are dried and grounded to make a fine and bright-yellow coloured powder. Normally this powder is used a spice in all curries and veggies preparation in common Indian household. But its intake as a spice does not help to get its maximum benefits.


The utmost chemical compound present in turmeric is Curcumin which is a powerful anti-oxidant and an effective anti-inflammatory agent. But the content of curcumin in turmeric is very low, just about 3% by weight and also it is poorly absorbed by our body. But to reap the maximum benefits out of it, turmeric should always be consumed along with black pepper. Piperine, main chemical compound found in Black Pepper helps in proper absorption of curcumin into our bodies.


Best way for its intake: Dissolve about 1/4th to 1/2 teaspoon in a glass of warm water or milk. Add about a pinch of crushed/grounded black pepper. It can be taken raw or can be boiled with water/milk. If you are taking it with milk, its best to have it before going to sleep at night for a better and relaxed sleep.
Nowadays, turmeric supplements and green teas are also available at common pharmacies and supermarkets.



  • Anti-Inflammatory agent:
    Scientists have a reason to believe that almost every chronic disease such as heart disorders, cancer, Alzheimer disease, female infertility (due to Endometriosis, PCOD etc.) or even unknown reasons , arthritis and many more such disorders are associated with some inflammation. Curcumin fights the inflammation at molecular levels that too without any side effects. In some cases its matches the efficacy of medicinal/prescribed drugs.

  • Powerful anti-oxidant:
    Free radicals in our body cause oxidative damage which is the root cause of aging and many diseases. These are highly reactive species due to the presence of unpaired electron. Curcumin neutralises these free radicals and enhances the body’s anti-oxidant responses.

  • Immune booster:
    Lifestyle stress, lack of sleep and bad food habits are 3 prime factors which disturbs the natural immune and hormonal balance in our body. Turmeric works efficiently to restore this balance and aids in increasing the natural immunity of our body.


Who can take it?

Turmeric is acidic in nature, so its advisable that people having ulcers or acid reflux should not take it. Also diabetics and patients taking blood thinner drugs should not take it as turmeric has blood thinning affect.

In summary, turmeric has such tremendous benefits that it is not possible to sum up all of them in one post. One should take it regularly for at least 3-4 months to experience its benefits.

Note: The information given here is based on personal experience and random internet searches. Usage effects may vary from person to person.

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Hello rupinder,
One of the best natural medicine. Another handy way to ingest Turmeric maybe less efficient is to put the powder in your food. I use it with garlic and ginger everyday.

Posted on NaturalMedicine.io

Thank you so much for reading my post. That’s true turmeric, ginger and garlic is a great combo. Keep having that daily 😊😀

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Thank you very much for for sharing this useful information.
I knew that turmeric have some benefits but never knew that the benefits are endless. 👍👍

Very beneficial for body...
Thanks for sharing the informative post...

!Buenos días! Gracias por compartir. Aunque conozco la planta como uso culinario no sabía que tenía propiedades que se pueden utilizar como medicina natural. Aunque cada organismo responde diferente a la misma planta, como tu dices, es muy importante tu experiencia personal. En internet hay muchos post, pero siempre es aconsejable, en lo posible, hablar de nuestra experiencia personal. !!!Que tengas un feliz día!!!