Shut up and eat! #14 - (Turkey) ham steaks with grapes

in Foodies Bee Hive2 years ago


Easy and relatively quick. Enjoy!

🇵🇹 Fácil e relativamente rápido. Apreciem!

Ingredients / Ingredientes:

400g / 4 steaks of ham400g / 4 bifes de fiambre de peru
800g of white grapes (I know... 🤦‍♂)800g de uvas brancas (Eu sei... 🤦‍♂)
1 soup spoon of butter1 colher de sopa de manteiga
1 soup spoon of mustard1 colher de sopa de mostarda


1 - Set aside half the grapes. Shred the other half and filter to obtain juice.

1 - Reservar metade das uvas. Triturar a outra metade e filtrar para obter sumo.


2 - Fry the steaks with butter. Set them aside and keep warm.

2 - Fritar os bifes com manteiga. Retire-os e mantenha aquecidos.


3 - Add the mustard and the grape juice to the remaining butter. Stir and reduce to half.

3 - Adicionar a mostarda e o sumo de uva à manteiga. Mexer e deixar reduzir até metade.


4 - Add the steaks and the grapes cut in half and without seeds. Cook for 5 minutes with low heat.

4 - Adicionar os bifes e as uvas cortadas em metades e sem graínhas. Cozinhar em lume brando durante 5 minutos.


5 - Ready! Shut up and eat!

5 - Pronto! Cala-te e come!




This was actually better than I expected...👍
Ficou melhor do que eu esperava... 👍

Thanks for reading!


Deve ser bom hein?

Inesperadamente bom 😄

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