Thank you for responding.
The report may not have been valid. Did you read and compare the two posts? It looks to me to be a simple mistake that a great many of us are capable of making, not intentional. They are different posts, reusing only a few photos. Surely we should be allowed to use photos more than once. Her only affront was to not link to the previous, very different, post.
The excessive actions taken on this post is likely to deter an excellent content creator from continuing here. Is that what we really want?
Which excessive actions do you mean?
Thanks for asking.
Muting her, berating her, and downvoting the post to zero. She did not deserve any of those. A simple request to provide a link to the previous, different, post would have been more in order. She works much harder on her posts than many if not most accounts do on theirs, and this one was no different.
Could you please provide a quote and evidence of this?
As far as I remember the only action we took was publishing one single informative comment about recycled content, with a link to a previous post.
Oh. I see. It's not hivewatchers I should be discussing these actions with. I stand corrected. Thanks for clarifying.