Watermelon Juice | Healthy Drink | Recipe

Watermelon juice is a very healthy and very tasty drink. Watermelon is rich in amino acids that help our body to circulate blood and lower our blood pressure. It can reduce our risk of a heart attack. They are an excellent option for those who want to eat healthily. We should drink it regularly. You can easily make watermelon juice with three ingredients.



  1. Watermelon
  2. Powder Milk
  3. Sugar
  4. Nuts (optional)
  5. Ice cubes (optional)

Step-by-step images of how to make watermelon juice:

I am giving the recipe below.

First, cut the watermelon into small pieces.


Then put the watermelon in the blender. Then add some sugar as per your taste. If your watermelon is sweet enough, adding extra sugar is unnecessary. If you want you can also add zero cal for diabetes patients.


After that add 4 tablespoons of powdered milk.



Then mix and blend them nicely. Once blended, strain the juice through a strainer. If you want to eat cold, you can add ice cubes. Then you serve the juice in a glass or cup.


I sprinkled some chopped almonds on top of the juice for garnish. It is completely optional. A very easy recipe is ready in just a few steps.
I hope you like it. Don't forget to try it at home.
Thank You!!😃