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RE: Motorhead Ace of Spades Ice-Cream - Helado, rock, fotografía y arte digital - Post fusión por @nahupuku

in Foodies Bee Hive4 years ago

Eddied Clarke!!! Wow man is awesome
Thanks a Lot. I try to combine metal and food in some dishes that i'm trying to create reciently with some NFT art. I listen and rock metal since 1986 (carcass. Napalm death. The cure. The police. Maiden. Madness. Motorhead. Judas. The clash. Génesis. Queen. I have My cassettes and lps.) I love the british músic here in latin-america we was lucky cause a Lot of that músic comes together. We mix all of that different genres and try to combines here so I grew listening punk, heavy, extreme metal, reggae, pop music, ska all in the same time without any trouble . Cause of that i combine the same freak mix in My músic, My art, My food and photography.
Thanks a Lot for passing by really apreciate this


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