Mastering Binignit – A Filipino Delicacy

in Foodies Bee Hive7 months ago

Hey there, my fellow hivers! How's it going? I hope you're feeling fantastic and ready to learn something new today. Trust me, what I'm about to share with you is going to blow your mind! Are you ready? Today, I'm beyond excited to introduce you to the delicious Filipino snack called binignit, also known as "ginataang bilo-bilo" in Filipino or "Binignit in Visayan word. This sweet and savory delight is usually consumed in the afternoon and is a staple during Holy Week.


But wait, there's more to this snack than meets the eye. When I was younger, I couldn't buy it because I didn't have any allowance. But now, I can make it whenever I want, and I can buy the ingredients if I crave it. So trust me when I say that I know all the secrets to making the perfect binignit.So, enough chitchat, let's get cooking! Get ready to discover the magic of this beloved Filipino snack and become a binignit master in no time.



Here are the ingredients you'll need:

Tapioca pearls
Sweet potato
Glutinous rice
Brown sugar
Coconut milk

These are the ingredients that I used for my binignit, but you can add more to make it even tastier.


Now, let's proceed with the procedure on how to cook binignit.


First, I heat up some water in a pot, the amount of water depends on the quantity of ingredients you're using. Since I'm only using a few ingredients, I put half of the small pot's capacity of water.

After the water has boiled, I peel the bananas and sweet potatoes first because they're the tougher ingredients that take longer to cook. I start by peeling the banana first because it's the easiest to peel. Then, I peel the sweet potato and slice both the sweet potato and banana into small pieces for easy cooking. After slicing, I wash both of them.

Once the water has boiled, I immediately add the glutinous rice to the pot. I cover the pot and wait for a few minutes until the rice becomes creamy. Then, I add the small tapioca pearls because they take longer to cook than the large ones. After cooking the pearls, I add the sweet potato because it takes longer to cook than bananas. Once the sweet potato becomes soft, I then add the bananas.

When I notice that the ingredients are about to spoil, I put the coconut and extract the water to use as fresh coconut milk for the binignit. I only made a small amount of binignit, so I bought just a small coconut. I used 5 cups of water for the coconut, and that's what I used for the coconut milk.

After cooking the bananas and sweet potatoes, I add the coconut milk and sugar. I cover the pot again and wait for the coconut milk to boil. Then, I add the colorful pink sago, followed by the green and purple ones, which are my favorite colors.


Let's try it out to see if it tastes good and if the seasoning is just right for our taste. I cover the pot again to blend all the ingredients and wait until the soup becomes creamy, and all the ingredients we added are cooked.


After a few minutes, our delicious binignit is cooked. It looks more appetizing because of the colorful sago. It's a nice snack to have every afternoon. I'm happy because I cooked the binignit all by myself without my mom guiding me. I learned this recipe from helping my mom cook binignit every Holy Week, especially on Good Friday. And now, I've cooked it all by myself, and I'm proud of myself for being independent. Well, not entirely independent because sometimes we still need our moms by our side, but I know there have been changes since I moved away from my parents to study here in the city. I'm also thankful that they trusted me to be far from them.

In no time, your amazing binignit will be ready, and trust me, it's finger-licking good. This snack is perfect for any time of the day, and you'll be impressed with how easy it is to make. I learned how to make it from my mom, and now I'm proud that I can do it all by myself.

So, what are you waiting for? Try out this amazing Filipino delicacy and treat yourself to a burst of flavors. You won't regret it!


One of my favorite Snack. Lami gyud ni

Lami gyud sir samot na og init pa hehe

I really adore this type of food; I can only eat this during Holy Week🥰

You can cook this anytime if you want something to eat😍

I love the sound and look of this dish, dear @mxrvieee ! Yum: buon apetito!

Thanks for stopping by @clareartista ☺️

This is one thing that we always bought during elementary days, remember? HAHAHAHAHA indeed, it is so delicious! 🤤

The memories of those irresistible snacks from our elementary days🤤

But nothing beats the toasted and ice water every after class.

I really like binignit. However, I am not a fun of cooking heheheh, but I think I want to learn now. Thank you for sharing how to cook binignit.

This food is good for holy week season. One of my favorite food.

The best jud ni nga snack🤤🤤