"Publix ads (not sure if you have them where you are) and buy ribebyes on sale and stock up on them. I've also been talking to local ranchers to see about buying a half cow to have processed. I also add in cheaper cuts of meat such as variations on meals using hamburger and I supplement a decent amount with eggs."
I dont know if we have a Publix near us (we might im in the country) but the rancher/butcher prospect is something Mrs. Hellbox and I have been talking about a lot recently
I think with your inflammation I chalk it up to you listen to your body and do what works, in this case you know it causes you to fee like crap so you eat what you know will make u feel good
Thanks for taking the time to share as always brother
If you can find one and buy the sales it works out much better price wise than even a Sams or Costco, believe it or not.
Ill def take a look! 🙏