First Time Cooking Beans and Peas From Fresh, Fun and Yum

in Foodies Bee Hive8 months ago

Your mission, use up food items that would otherwise go to waste and make something healthy and delicious. Finding it ethically unpalatable to waste food, this is my ongoing mission. Today that was some sandwich slices ham product stuff as sandwich maker person was outta town for a few...Some green onions getting wilty...beautiful fresh cilantro, which fresh as it may have been still has a shelf life of what, 5 minutes once cut?...
The inspirational ingredients were these fresh picked butter beans and green peas that I couldn't resist at the grocery store. Having never cooked beans or peas from fresh before, I was really super excited. The beans were even already just slightly sprouting, which is actually a necessity for my gut. If you have found that beans and maybe lentils have suddenly become an absolute horror for your digestion one day, try soaking them and then rinsing and draining for a couple of days until they sprout a bitty tail before cooking. This seems to rid them sufficiently of lectins to make them much lighter on the tum. Cooking in a pressure cooker helps a lot also, but I am terrified of pressure cookers, ever since one tried to murder me. (thankfully I was far enough across the room to not be doused when it exploded...I assume that it was in need of replacement silicone seals, although they looked visually perfect and were supposedly only about a year and a half old...)
So, the ham got chopped up into little bits and browned with garlic and onions to make a flavorful broth to cook the beans in once I added water and salt...and the peas who were added after the beans had cooked for about 45 minutes, lid on. I forgot about the not adding salt to the cook water for beans rule...and they softened up just fine, so I think that must be more relevant to cooking beans from dry. And of course, there was a nice big bay leaf in there.
Whereas I'm usually a fan of heavily seasoned and spiced foods, I left it at that. I didn't want to lose the bright freshness of the beans and peas and it worked; they tasted super fresh even after cooking for so long to soften up. We cooked up some rice to go with, tore up some fresh lettuce and shredded a carrot.
Seeing as we also had some tomatoes that were just purchased but with the caveat that we knew they needed to be used same day, I made a nice fresh ensalalsalada. It's so-named because we decided it is good as a sauce on the rice, on the beans n' peas and on the salad-salad, but also stands tall all on it's own by the spoonful. It's just chopped tomato, green onion, cilantro, plenty of fresh squeezed lime, salt and pepper.

Big Kiss

Tu misión, aprovechar los alimentos que de otro modo se desperdiciarían y hacer algo sano y delicioso. Como éticamente no me gusta desperdiciar comida, ésta es mi misión constante. Hoy en día que era un poco de jamónada de sándwich como persona sandwich maker estaba fuera de la casa para unos pocos dias ... Algunas cebollas verdeos medio blando ... cilantro fresco hermoso, que fresco como puede haber sido todavía tiene una vida útil de lo que, ¿5 minutos una vez cortado, si?...
Los ingredientes inspiradores fueron estas porotos manteca y arvejas verdes recién cogidos que no pude resistir en el super. Como nunca había cocinado arvejas ni porotos frescos, estaba muy emocionada. Los porotos ya estaban brotando un poquito, lo que es una necesidad para mi intestino. Si un día te has dado cuenta de que las porotos y quizás las lentejas se han convertido de repente en un horror absoluto para tu digestión, prueba a ponerlas en remojo y luego enjuagarlas y escurrirlas durante un par de días hasta que broten un poquito antes de cocinarlas. Parece que así se libran lo suficiente de las lectinas como para que sean mucho más ligeras de panzita. Cocinar en una olla a presión también ayuda mucho, pero me aterrorizan las ollas a presión, desde que una intentó asesinarme. (Por suerte, estaba lo suficientemente lejos como para que no me empapara cuando se explotó... Supongo que necesitaba juntas de silicona nueva, aunque visualmente parecían perfectas y supuestamente sólo tenían un año y medio...ta)

Así que el jamón se cortó en trocitos y se doró con ajo y cebolla para hacer un caldo sabroso en el que cocer las alubias una vez que añadí agua y sal... y los arvejas que se añadieron después de que los porotos hubieran cocido durante unos 45 minutos, con la tapa puesta. Me olvidé de la regla de no añadir sal al agua de cocción de las alubias... y se ablandaron muy bien, así que creo que debe ser más relevante para cocinar alubias en seco. Y por supuesto, había una buena hoja de laurel grande allí.

Aunque normalmente soy fan de las comidas bien condimentadas y especiadas, lo dejé así. No quería perder la frescura brillante de las arvejas y los porotos y funcionó; sabían súper frescos incluso después de cocinarlos durante tanto tiempo para que se ablandaran. Cocinamos un poco de arroz para acompañar, cortamos una lechuga fresca y rallamos una zanahoria.

Como también teníamos unos tomates recién comprados, pero con la advertencia de que sabíamos que había que utilizarlos el mismo día, preparé una ensalalsalada bien fresquita. Se llama así porque decidimos que es buena como salsa sobre el arroz, sobre los frijoles y arvejas y sobre la ensalada, pero también se mantiene por sí sola a cucharadas. Sólo lleva tomate picado, cebolla verde, cilantro, mucha lima recién exprimida, sal y pimienta.

Un besote


Hi @melibee

Please read our community rules, especially number 4, which says:

Every user new to Hive, or new to Foodies Bee Hive, must include a minimum of three photos showing their face (of the total number of photos in each post), making their recipes.

So in your next posts, we hope you respect this rule.

We also recommend that you read this post carefully, it explains each of our community rules:

And this other too

Okay. Forgive me. I probably will not participate then. That sounds awful at this moment in my life. Maybe I'll come back down the road when I can recover myself and enjoy being in photographs again...if that is a day that's coming. Honestly, I think that is a garbage rule. Why? It's the parent who tries to force their autistic child to make eye contact and stay still.

I'm with you on this. Every community has the right to set it's own rules, and I'll respect the rules they set. But I'm never happy to see my own face online, so if that's a requirement then there are plenty of other communities with rules that work better for me, and I'll go there. I tend to follow people rather than communities (it's just the way I prefer to do things), so I'll still see you in my feed and upvote your posts 😁

Thanks @alonicus. Big hug.

muy bueno y saludable

very good and healthy

Gracias, @yasmarit. Un abrazote.