Every January 10th, tripe was eaten / Cada diez de enero se comía mondongo

in Foodies Bee Hive2 months ago (edited)

Every January 10th we ate tripe at my house

I'm eating a delicious soupb / Yo, comiendo una rica sopa

Every time my mother had a birthday she would prepare a big pot of tripe for her guests, those she invited and the rice cookers (anyone who shows up at parties or events without being previously invited).

Everyone would eat that succulent dish with pleasure; for that reason, January 10th was synonymous with beef belly and delicious broth with proteins loaded with a high content of B vitamins, such as B12, B6, niacin and riboflavin, iron and most importantly, lots of love.

From a very young age my mother understood that it was better for the soul to give than to receive, that the mind and heart were filled with joy when seeing people happy. Rather than waiting for gifts she would prefer to give and what better occasion to give than the celebration of her birthday.

It was common to hear positive comments on the eve of the date, many family members, close friends and neighbors knew that on January 10th the tripe was safe.

Before her birthday, my mother would buy all the ingredients and begin the preparations. Cleaning the belly was for her the most important procedure and at the same time arduous and exhausting; she assumed the cleaning almost as a sacred ritual. She spent hours on this occupation because she said that a poorly washed belly was harmful to health. She could not allow her food to cause indigestion; for that reason she minimized the risk by increasing hygiene and cleanliness. Lemon, salt, vinegar, abundant cold and hot water were what she used most.

The tradition was maintained for a long time, until the weakness caused by the disease, and her advanced age, prevented her from continuing it.

One day the time came that no one expected; she could not give her favorite dish on her birthday. My sister, on one occasion, followed her culinary example but little by little the tradition in my family was disappearing

Today my generous old lady would have turned 88 years old; If health and life had allowed her to be here, we would surely eat tripe with as much joy and pleasure as we did several times.

Happy Birthday, Mom, and thank you for everything you gave us. I ask God that wherever you are, his divine light and perpetual love will accompany you. Amen 🙏

Cada diez de enero se comía mondongo en mi casa

I'm eating a delicious soupb / Yo, comiendo una rica sopa

Cada vez que mi mamá cumplía años preparaba una gran olla de mondongo para sus comensales, los invitados por ella y los arroceros (toda persona que se presenta en fiestas, o eventos sin ser previamente invitado).

Todos comían con gusto aquel suculento plato; por esa razón, el diez de enero era sinónimo de panza de res y delicioso caldo con proteínas cargadas con alto contenido en vitaminas del grupo B, como la B12, B6, niacina y riboflavina, hierro y lo más importante, mucho amor.

Mi mamá desde muy niña comprendió que era mejor para el alma dar que recibir, que la mente y el corazón se llenaban de alegría al ver a la gente feliz. Más que esperar regalos ella preferiría regalar y qué mejor ocasión para dar que la celebración de su cumpleaños.

Era común escuchar comentarios positivos en la víspera de la fecha, muchos familiares, amigos cercanos y vecinos sabían que el diez de enero el mondongo estaba seguro.

Antes de la fecha de su cumpleaños mi mamá compraba todos los ingredientes y comenzaba los preparativos. El limpiar la panza era para ella el procedimiento más importantes y a la vez arduo y agotador, asumía la limpieza casi como un ritual sagrado. Pasaba horas en esa ocupación porque decía que una panza mal lavada era nociva para la salud. Ella no podía permitir que su comida causara indigestión; por esa razón minimizaba el riesgo aumentando la higiene y la limpieza. Limón, sal, vinagre, abundante agua fría y caliente era lo que más utilizaba.

La tradición se mantuvo por mucho tiempo, hasta que la debilidad causada por la enfermedad, y su avanzada edad, impidieron continuarla.

Un día llegó la hora que nadie esperaba, no pudo obsequiar su plato favorito en su cumpleaños. Mi hermana, en alguna ocasión, siguió su ejemplo culinario pero poco a poco la tradición en mi familia fue desapareciendo

Hoy mi viejita generosa estuviera cumpliendo 88 años; si la salud y la vida le hubieran permitido estar, de seguro comeríamos mondongo con tanta alegría y gusto como varias veces lo hicimos.

Feliz Cumpleaños mamá y gracias por todo lo que nos diste. Pido a Dios que en el lugar donde estés, su luz divina y amor perpetuo te acompañen. Amén 🙏







Hi @marcosmilano71

Please read our community rules carefully. There it is prohibited to use photos taken from image banks. Please edit your post and delete the photo of the plate of food, which is not yours.

Here we leave you the post that contains each of our rules well explained (it is pinned in the community). On the right side of the screen you can also view these rules.


Good afternoon from Venezuela. I apologize for not having read and for not having published this anecdote in this community. Thank you for the suggestion, I will try to do it but perhaps the platform will not allow me since it is the cover photo.

Buenas tardes Pido disculpas por no haber leído y por haber publicado está anécdota en esta comunidad. Gracias por la sugerencia trataré de hacerlo pero quizás no me lo permita la plataforma siendo que es la fotografía de portada.

I just edited the post and was able to change the cover; however, I wanted to leave the photographs of my mother because it is a nice memory I have of her, today was her birthday and she was an excellent cook. Thank you for accepting my post.@foodiesunite I reiterate my apologies for not having read the community rules, it will not happen again.

Acabo de editar el post y pude cambiar la portada; sin embargo, quise dejar las fotografías de mi madre porque es un lindo recuerdo que tengo de ella, hoy estuviera de cumpleaños y era una excelente cocinera. Gracias por aceptar mi publicación.@foodiesunite Reitero mis disculpas por no haber leído las normas de la comunidad, no volverá a pasar.

Ok @marcosmilano71 we understand, but please, in the future posts, please, read our community rules.


Thank you for your understanding and for your generosity. Really, thank you very much.

Gracias por su comprensión y por su generosidad. De verdad, muchas Gracias.


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Yum! You have been curated by @sirenahippie on behalf of FoodiesUnite.net on #Hive. Thanks for using the #foodie tag. We are a tribe for the Foodie community with a unique approach to content and community and we are here on #Hive.

Good morning from Venezuela. Hello @sirenahippie, thank you very much for the support and thank you for the invitation; Additionally, I am very grateful to the FoodiesUnite community. Greetings and infinite blessings to all.

Buenos días desde Venezuela. Hola @sirenahippie, muchas gracias por el apoyo y gracias por la invitación; adicionalmente agradezco a la comunidad FoodiesUnite. Saludos y bendiciones infinitas para todos.

Your post is very beautiful, very emotional @marcosmilano71, thank you very much for sharing such beautiful memories in the community. Surely your mother was a very special, beautiful and generous person, since what she did, giving food precisely on her birthday, is a beautiful and kind gesture. I am sure that he did it from the heart and that that soup, that mondongo, was an incentive for the soul and the body.

You are invited to continue sharing your gastronomic content on Foodies Bee Hive, and when you like you are also invited to Amazing Drinks and Plant Power Vegan. Have a happy Sunday.

Su post es muy bonito, muy emotivo @marcosmilano71, muchas gracias por compartir tan bellos recuerdos en la comunidad. De seguro su mamá era una persona muy especial, bonita y generosa, ya que lo que ella hacía, dar comida precisamente el día de su cumpleaños, es un hermoso y gentil gesto. Estoy segura que lo hacía de corazón y que esa sopa, ese mondongo, era un aliciente para el alma y el cuerpo.

Está invitado a seguir compartiendo su contenido gastronómico en Foodies Bee Hive, y cuando guste también está invitado a Amazing Drinks y a Plant Power Vegan. Que tenga un feliz domingo.

@sirenahippie Woow what a nice comment, thank you very much 🫂. I really liked your words and I will take your invitation into account. Greetings from Venezuela and infinite blessings for you and your loved ones 🙏

@sirenahippie Woow que bonito comentario, muchas gracias 🫂. De verdad me gustaron sus palabras y tomaré en cuenta su invitación. Saludos desde Venezuela e infinitas bendiciones para Usted y para sus seres queridos 🙏