Tiramisu / Tiramisù

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago (edited)


Hey guys, let me introduce you one of my favourite desserts.
Two months ago i decided to do it for the first time and i fell in love with his taste.
Its very easy and fast to prepare.
All you need is:
5 eggs
5-6 t.s sugar
500g mascarpone
300-400ml espresso
50ml brendy or baileys
1 package biscotti savoiardi

First prepare the espresso, because it must be cold. Add brendy or baileys.
Separate yolks and add 2-3 t.s sugar. Mix them to smooth cream and after that add mascarpone in several parts.
Separately mix good egg whites with the left sugar. Add it gently to the other mixture.

Dip the biscotti in the espresso very fast and arrange them. Cover with cream and repeat. You have to finish with cream. Put the tiramisu in fridge for at least 12 hours. Before serving spray with cocoa. Thats all. Bon appetite 😊




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Тука Food добре ама кейк и производните няма. Има определени хаштагове. Инъче кейка е супер 🤗🤍💚❤️🙏

Страхотно Браво. Добре се ориентираш. Само пак да спомена за авторското право. Не бива да качваш нищо което не е твое,включително и текст да копираш и поставяш щото се разбира и ти дават некви мъмрене 😁😆

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