Homemade sponge cake, tall and fluffy // Bizcochuelo casero, alto y esponjoso


Buenas...buenas...hivers. Hoy les presento la receta de un rico bizcochuelo esponjoso y perfectamente horneado, que pueda comerse solo o se pueda rellenar y sirva para hacer una torta. ¿Empezamos?

Good...good...hivers. Today I present to you the recipe for a rich, fluffy and perfectly baked sponge cake that can be eaten on its own or can be filled and used to make a cake. Shall we start?

1. Precalentar el horno

Es fundamental este paso para el éxito de la receta. El truco de calentar a máxima temperatura para que “se caliente rápido” y luego bajarlo, no funciona ya que al introducir el bizcochuelo recibirá un golpe de calor extremo que no necesita. Hay que hacerlo a la temperatura que indica la fórmula, y es a 160°/170°. Con 15 minutos de calor, está perfecto.

Preheat the oven

This step is essential for the success of the recipe. The trick of heating to maximum temperature so that it "heats up quickly" and then lowering it does not work, since when the sponge cake is introduced it will receive an extreme heat shock that it does not need. It must be done at the temperature indicated in the formula, which is 160°/170°. With 15 minutes of heat, it is perfect.



Bowl con leche + ralladura de limón
Batir la mantequilla y el azúcar hasta quedar cremosa
Agregar uno por uno los huevos a la vez batir entre cada uno
Batir lentamente e ir agregando la harina y la leche poco a poco
En otro bowl colocar harina + bicarbonato+ polvo de hornear
Mezclar todo y agregar la cucharada de vainilla


Bowl with milk + lemon zest
Beat butter and sugar until creamy.
Add one by one the eggs at a time, beating between each one.
Beat slowly and add the flour and milk little by little.
In another bowl place the flour + baking soda + baking powder.
Mix everything together and add the tablespoon of vanilla.

Galería de fotos con el paso a paso // Photo gallery with the step by step:



By @machiqui63

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Enjoy your day and thanks for visiting me!

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Even in the photo, the biscuit looks delicious!