Hello everyone, I would like to share some foods that we were able to partake in the past and in different settings and will try to compare each of them.
I can say I am a food lover and I eat a lot. But that was a long time ago. Since I knew that my sugar is already at a high level, I tried my best to limit my food intake although I can say that I am not that particular with the amount and the kind of food I eat this time. One reason is I already have my medication plus a number of food supplements that function to help reduce my blood sugar.
So it’s like oh, that’s okay, eating foods of bigger quantity is just fine. But I know I’m wrong, aside from I don’t really go outside and exercising I also limit a little bit of food.
Anyhow, I am here to share with you the food that we prepared at home, those that I usually eat at the food chains outside, and those that are also part of my favorites.
So these are some of the food being prepared at home. I am glad my aunt lives with us and also my wife’s cousin who are really good cooks. The presentation of their foods may not that attractive but I can say that they are definitely delicious.
They are with us even when my kids are still small and until this time. They are the ones who prepare our food every day, and I am so grateful for that.
Every time we have a little celebration at home, there’s no need to hire a cook anymore or buy foods outside because they can cook or prepare good appealing foods themselves.
I am really contented with the food they use to prepare but there are also foods outside that I like most. Well, this was when I was working abroad, and since I don’t really know how to cook so I resort to buying food outside. And these are some of my favorites:
This is an Arab food, I know our Muslim friends here know the name of this food. They actually serve this food for free during Ramadan although we can also buy it anytime if we want to. There are a lot of restaurants that serve this kind of food.
And this is very cheap I mean so affordable. I can even buy another one for my friend for free. I remember when I was new to the office I didn’t know where to buy it and it’s also hot outside so I just asked our tea boy to buy one for me and every time I do that, I also buy extra food for him. I can still remember how grateful he was to me for giving him food.
Another one is this. This is well-known in Saudi Arabia. I think almost all of the areas or cities in Saudi have this, it’s like McDonald's of KFC chicken. But this one is definitely yummy. I really missed this. Imagine I can consume all the chicken, their single-serving actually contain 4 pieces of chicken, one bread, and fries. Mouthwatering indeed!
Oh, I think my blog is too long already, I will just create another one for the other foods that I love and would like to share with you.
Till next!

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the patatim looks good, now I am hungry.
Aguuuy, pagkalami ana sir uiii