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RE: (Almost) Hungarian Pörkölt - if you've gotta have pork, this is the way to do it.

in Foodies Bee Hive2 months ago

Thanks for the tip about bring meat to room temperature, I didn't know that, never too old to learn, right!
I'm not a lover of pork, but I eat bacon and pork sausages, weird hey🙃
However despite not being a big meat eater, I know keeping meat on the bone is way tastier. I often braise lamb knuckles like you've done, very good!
Happy Sunday to you dear @honeydue ❤️


Right? I only found out when I started making this. Kicked myself, looking back at all the meh meals I must've ruined by doing just that.

I haven't had lamb knuckles, but I imagine they come out quite tasty! :D Lovel to see you, @lizelle!