Hahaha estaciones hahaha yep, there are 4 LOL 😂
I moved with my parents as much. 3 countries with them alone, moved out of home when I was 16 years. The Netherlands was country #3 since I was 6 for 28 years. My father was Dutch.
That’s great to hear we are not the only ones that think that. Cool 😎 funny I do hear it more and more. Also friends of us that have been here for 25 years think the same. They are selling up and move back to the UK.
I wouldn’t go back to Dutchie land… nope, to much other countries I would go to first. Crazy that countries (Netherlands and Spain) can change so much lately. And I’m sure it is not us. Hahaha
Yes, Latin America is great. Some artist friends moved to Costa Rica, first they were thinking Spain but choose eventually not to.
You know what the thing is with Spanish there… it is easier. They talk slower and you can understand the entire words better. Did you know?
I haven’t been to the Antilles yet, but we would like to visit just to see and feel how they are. As they have great weather. And English and Dutch.