Hi all 👋🏻
Today I want to share with you all my first post here in this community and my version of a classic Dutch recipe, originally found in the most southern point/ part of The Netherlands 🇳🇱 ~ Limburg.
We call it “ Zoervleisj ” (in Dutch dialect) or “Limburgs Zuurvlees” (sour meat dish from Limburg… but is it?)
I cooked it today most of the day… so my house is smelling amazingggg hahaha and I promised to share this dish recipe with @zakludick 😁 a few days ago, so here it goes!
So what did I use for this dish. Let’s see…
I need to explain a few things first before I officially start.
I cook and bake mostly intuitively… so I mostly don’t follow recipes, measures etc. and do what “feels right” 😉 if that makes sense haha
I add ingredients by taste and what I know they taste like and what combinations would work, learned by cooking for a long time now. Actually since I left “home” at the age of 16. My mom (88) used to make this dish and learned from her mom… my version is adjusted to my likings, so I left out a few ingredients. ( like jeverbessen, sugar and onions) It still taste great though…. I promise 😎
So next, I tried to make it easier for you to follow, so I measured most ingredients for you 😁
We take for 4 people:
- butter and olive oil
- About 600 grams of beef cubes. Any stew meat will do, but beef is best in my opinion. (In the old days, they did use horse meat… but let’s not go there)
- Salt and pepper to taste
- Hot water, about 200 ml
- Vinegar, about 150 ml
- 3 or 4 dried bay leaves depending on size
- 12 cloves
- “Appelstroop” about 3 table spoons
- “Peperkoek/ ontbijtkoek” about 2 or 3 slices
(I explain what the “2 last items” are at the bottom of this post, and hope you have something similar or close to it to use in your country. I ordered mine on-line as Spain doesn’t have them)
You must think by now… oowww that will be a very flavoursome dish. And you are right. It has a strong flavour and although there is also vinegar in it… it is a sweet dish. 🥰
My set up.
The meat ( no it isn’t out of date, I took it out of the freezer and this is after defrosting 😉)
A heavy iron pan with lid
Salt, pepper, bay leaves and cloves
As you can see it is very thick sirupy like, with lots of sugar from apples
I cut 2 thicker than sandwich slices off
Next I fill a 300ml glass half with vinegar so about 150ml
I add water to fill it up.
Olive oil and a good chunk of butter
I add to the pan and heat it up on medium to high heat
While that is heating up I add salt and pepper to the meat
Almost there…
I add the meat just before the butter turns… if you like you can wait a little.
I stir the meat around so it gets quickly a cook on all sides
When that’s done I add the bay leaves
The cloves
To the meat
Next we take the water and vinegar mixture, add it to the pan
Turn up the heat higher…
I stir and notice the meat isn’t covered with the fluid
So I add more water to it to cover the meat like this:
Now the heat was turned up higher, it all is the same temperature. We turn the heat now to simmer…
Place the lid and leave it for about 2,5 to 3 hours.
I chose 3 hours as I like the meat to be so soft that it falls apart in my last process. 😎
So I had some time to look at Hive and comment and engage with all you lovely people 😁
Tringgggg the alarm goes, 3 hours past.
I look in the pan and see… there is probably to much fluids in the pan.
This next step is also my preference, I take out all bay leaves now and the cloves… the ones I find hahaha
Why you may ask? The dish will go very dark in the next steps, almost dark brown/ black. So You don’t see the cloves and can eat them if you don’t like the taste.
So mine are out of the dish.
Next I take out some of the fluid with a big spoon and set it aside in a glass, in case we need it later when the meat dish got to thick… I always can add back now more liquid 😉 from the dish itself.
I add now 3 table spoons of the very thick and sticky Appelstroop
After stirring
Notice it all is still rather thin. I turn the heat back up now to medium/ high.
I add the first slice of Peperkoek. This I do in stages as I want to see how the sauce thickens up.
The first one… it is still too thin so I add the second one.
I still think it is too thin after both.
I slice off another smaller slice of Peperkoek.
Add it and stir…
Yes, it is getting there… I turn the heat to low again.
Now as this bubbles away slowly. Not to hard…
I start to fry up some fries 🍟 to add.
The time for heating up the fryer and frying a small batch of fries is about 12 minutes. I fried the fries for 4 minutes.
The sauce thickens up nicely and is ready now.
Tringgggg the alarm for the fries goes off.
I places them in a bowl on some kitchen paper to drain the access oil.
I add salt to them
Let’s plate up 😁🤩
I present to you ”Limburg Zuurvlees” with fries.
Yes, we put it all over the fries 😉😁
And we Dutchies… do like to add mayonnaise and curry sauce on the side. Some even like it all over this dish. (But it doesn’t need any additional sauces actually…)
You can add if you like vegetables like cooked red cabbage or peas and carrots.
If you don’t like fries, mashed potatoes work also really well with it.
Now I still have some of this meat dish left, so I save it for the next day. It is warmed up the next day even better 🤩 can you imagine… 🥳🥳
You can also place it in a box and put it into the freezer for another day too.
As promised let me tell you what those 2 specific ingredients are.
First Peperkoek or Ontbijtkoek.
You can read more about it In this website from Wikipedia!
It states:
”An ontbijtkoek (literally translated breakfast cake) or peperkoek (pepper cake) is a Dutch and Flemish spiced cake. Rye is its most important ingredient, coloring the cake light brown. It is often spiced with cloves, cinnamon, ginger, succade and nutmeg.
Ontbijtkoek is traditionally served at breakfast with a thick layer of butter on top, as a replacement for bread, however, due to its sweet taste it is also served as a snack.”
You can almost compare it with ginger cake it has lots of spices in it too.
Next ingredient.
I found not much specific information about it, but The website of the product itself says…
that the Ingredients are:
Sugar beet juice and apple juice concentrated to spread with a 55% sugar content (natural fruit sugars). Fruit content: 140g apples per 100g spread.”
That website also tells you how they work and what products they have more. Have a look. 😊
I think myself that this Appelstroop comes very close to Maple Sirup. Just this is done with apples and sugar beet. Maybe you do find something similar in your country.
It just needs to be sweet and break the vinegar flavour in the dish up.
If you try this dish… let me know, would love to hear your opinion and what you think of it 😁
Hope you enjoyed reading my recipe and seeing the photographs.
Thank you for looking and reading 😊 🙏🏻
That’s all for todays #Foodie post. Until the next one! 👋🏻😎
Any questions or comments, let me know. Always happy to help.
Have a great day all 😎
Grtz Jackie
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What delights, it looks great on you, the dish invites you to sit at the table and take a bite, I must admit that it has whetted my appetite
I appreciate that you have shared the ingredients and their preparation
enjoy it a lotHello dear friend @littlebee4 good day
So nice to hear it made you hungry and you enjoyed my post about this dish. Thank you so much!
It was nom nom… and gone in minutes hahaha 🤣
Have a wonderful afternoon ☀️😎Hello dear friend @jlufer 👋🏻😊
This reminds me a bit of my favorite German dish, sauerbraten. !BEER !CTP
Thanks a lot.It does comes close to it @fiberfrau 😉
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Interesting. We call that 'stoofvlees' where I'm from.
I'd never heard of zuurvlees, and I'm from Noord Brabant!
Cool how you can learn something new after all these years haha.
Oooohhh, I MISS the appelstroop and keukenstroop.
I'm going to have to find a way to make it myself.
Thank you for sharing!
That’s cool… yes, my friends in Noord- Braband called it exactly that.
Funny we do still learn, always 😉
No Dutch store close by where you live now? They can be found all over the world. And there are a few websites that do send too. Let me know if you would like the websites, I have a few as lived in 5 countries so far.
It’s hard to make it yourself as the amount of apples needed is just crazy. And than cook it all the way down until the stroop remains.
The things we do miss living abroad hahaha, I order once in a while some things as here we can’t get it either.
You are welcome @misslasvegas 😁 happy to share.
Thank you! Yes, if you have addresses, that would be great.
I'm in Mexico, and there's not a lot of choice for 'foreign'shops.
They have lots of American stuff but that's about it.
I also miss the Asian Tokos!
Now I have to improvise making my satay sauce with soy sauce instead of
ketjap. It's possible but harder to get it right.
Where do you live now?
Thank you, and lovely to meet you!
You are welcome @misslasvegas
The main 2 ones in the US are:
Van Der Veen
They import from the Netherlands, most Dutch expats order here in the US.
Peters, best shipping prices!
Than you have these ones too:
Little Dutch girl!
Hope they help. Have a look.
Yes… sate sauce…I so know what you mean hahaha I do that too with soy sauce and it is so different. I add more milk to it to compensate.
I live for the moment in south Spain but we move soon, hopefully before the end of the year to the New England area. Working on the paperwork as we speak, but there are lots of backlogs. We had hoped to be moved before the summer but more delays came… we are patient. ☺️ The company is relocating us to the US 😁
You are welcome, happy to help.
Yes, nice to meet you 👋🏻😁☀️ Enjoy your Friday!
Ohhh, New England. Where exactly? I hate the Boston Red Sox and NE Patriots with a passion hehe. I'm a Miami Dolphins and NY Yankees fan...Lived in the US for 3 years. Oh, and thank you for those :)
Probably Mass, but it could change last minute to New Jersey or New York.
Hahaha that’s funny. I don’t have a team yet… but we will see 🤩😉 we will have to find out and go and watch a few.
You are welcome @misslasvegas
Oh my goddesss @littlebee4 🤤🤤🤤 ya solo con leer los ingredientes se me hizo agua la boca¡! Yummmmm
That’s nice to hear! It was nom nommmmmmMuchísimas gracias @septymahija 🤩😁😎
You are really good cook @littlebee4, it was as if I could perceive the aroma of meat when it was boiling.
By the way, the method in preparing this meal you've shown has made it really easy to get the desired result once you have the ingredients.
Thank you for sharing this with us and I thank @zakludick for asking 😁😁.
Thank you so much @hopestylist that’s nice to hear 😁
The peperkoek could be substituted by a starge to thicken the sauce, add some extra spices like ginger, nutmeg, extra cloves.
The Appelstroop needs to be a very sticky sirup. Like cane sugar, agave sirup or maple sirup. Maybe you find something like that.
Lucky you, he asked me hahaha 🤣 he persuaded me to post it instead only tell him 😎😁
Thank you for the extra tips. I'm really happy he suggested that.
You are welcome 😁 happy to help!
My pleasure! I am happy I asked. I will make this and do my best to remember to tag you in to check out the South African adaptation! 😁
Wow, that would be awesome, I'm anticipating that post, I'm sure it would be lovely 😍😍.
I will just need to order in that Applestroop stuff. I don't think it will be very authentic without that part!
Yes, if any that is the main ingredient next to the meat.
Beef we have plenty... Not a problem.
Good to hear 😉
Oooh, that looks great! Well, I guess @zakludick will be on the hunt for some of the ingredients and thanks for sharing it on ListNerds!
Have a great Friday!Thanks so much @therneau 😁 He sure is hunting down some ingredients already 😉 can’t wait for @zakludick to make it and tell me what he thinks of it 😎
Mmmmmm sour beef...😋
Sounds funny but looks very good. I'm intrigued by the applestroop as an ingredient. Interesting.
I would totally give this a go if I had those two ingredients at the end.
I generally cook the same way as well - intuitively without a specific recipe. My wife is the opposite. She will follow a recipe to the T with no deviations. Lol.
It is truly a nice addition to the dish, the Appelstroop. You can order it on-line and it will be shipped to you. Let me know if you want the website. That’s where I order from too. But of course I add lots of other things. Maybe once a year… so it is not that I do this often. As I don’t see it really needed with the delicious food here.Thanks a lot @leaky20
Maybe try to find some sticky sirupy stuff… maple sirup or maybe even cane sugar sirup… who knows it could be the next best thing.
So I’m not the only one yay 😎 that’s cool.
Have a great day further 👋🏻
I should have bought some when I went to the Netherlands. I meant to but then forgot when we were there. I can probably get it in Canada though when I go back home. There are a lot of Dutch communities there, and there is even a Dutch store in the city I live in, so I'll look out for it.
That’s a shame… but you didn’t know.
Yes, there are lots of Dutch communities in Canada the US and other countries. If there is a shop. This will be a staple in it.
The brand doesn’t really matter as long as it is the thick sticky sirupy one. Very sweet.
You could even make it without the peperkoek, but Appelstroop should be in it.
Without peperkoek you need something to thicken the sauce… neutral flavoured. Than just add some spices like ginger, nutmeg, extra cloves etc.
Okay cool I'll keep all of that in mind :)
You are welcome… happy to help @leaky20
I am going to share your post on ListNerds. You don't mind do you?
No I don’t… I am on it too. But go ahead.
Can’t post a new email yet still in countdown. And I haven’t build up enough mail yet.
Thanks a lot @zakludick much appreciated.
Hehehe. My pleasure! There is no sin in promoting it twice!
Thanks 🙏🏻😁😎 it sure isn’t.
Oh, das würde mir jetzt schmecken :-)
Rehived und ich schick dir einen @pishio auf deine letzten drei Posts.
Es war super lecker. Ich mache es nicht oft, aber when nom nom nom… im winter wenn es kalt ist, dann ist es noch besser 🤓Dank dir sehr @lichtblick 😁 🙏🏻
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That looks amazing and now that I know what is in the sauce!
I want to make it!
I found what seems to be a comprable ingredient for applestroop here: https://cornermarket.co.za/products/canisius-apple-syrup-450g?variant=40730145685704¤cy=ZAR&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=gs-2022-03-20&utm_source=google&utm_medium=smart_campaign
The bread I will probably not get THAT one but a dense spicy bready cakey business I will find!
I totally get you about recipes! Let the ancestors whisper in your ear "That is enough garlic my child. Now add a pinch of salt."
Thank you so much @zakludick 😁😎
That is the right thing it is the exact same product just not the fancy photo label.
It will do.
If you can’t find the peperkoek. I have made it sometimes just with the Appelstroop and added a starch to thicken it up. Maybe add some similar spices… so a bit of ginger, nutmeg, some extra cloves… might just work.
Yay… you understand 😁😎
So glad you liked my recipe and want to make it. 🥳🥳
Have an awesome day further!
Dit gaan baie lekker wees. 👌
Ek sal fotos neem!
Ja zeker, kijk ernaar uit om die foto’s te zien 😎😁 en te horen wat jullie ervan vinden 🤓
Hehehe, jy sal sien!
Ek gaan eerstens dit moet so na aan die oorsprinklike resep moet maak.
Daarna sal ek miskien speel en 'n braai-zuurvlees moet maak!
Yep, klinkt goed. Eerst het oorspronkelijke en dan kun je het aanpassen naar wat jij lekker vind 😉
Die Appelstroop houdt zich heeeeeeel lang goed. Is ook lekker op een boterham met kaas. 😎
Hmmmmm klink heerlik!
That is a very interesting combination. I am intrigued and would like to try it now.
If you try one day… let me know 😎
Have a great Friday!It sure is an interesting combination 😉 @derangedvisions
A Multitalent you are!!!! Cooking queen neither! Aaaw the pott is lovely. Like the color. Peperkoek is the name of the sweet candy bread? We have it here only in winter season. Indeed mayonnaise we like to in Portugal. But some restaurants don't serve real mayonnaise... They serve something like salad dressing... Lmao. 🤣🤣🤣 Did you tried this recipe with sweet potatoes too? Bon Appetit. Loooooks delicious 🍠💯🥔👌🏼🎊
Got some hidden talents hahaha 🤣
Yes the peperkoek or ontbijtkoek… almost like ginger bread, just more spices in there. Cool you do have it at yours in the winter. I haven’t seen it in Spain. It is no candy, it’s very soft more like a cake. Thanks so much @akida 😁 it was delicious hahaha
Once in a while I buy some proper mayonnaise, here in Spain they are also different. Lol we don’t want salad dressing on our fries 🍟 nope… 🤣😉
Yes, it works well with sweet potatoes too.
Thank you so much. Good night to you my dear friend 👋🏻😊😴
Frietje Stoof made in Spain, at least that is what it looks like and yes I know I cant call this Limburgian dish a stoof...but good enough as I am a Dutchie in Spain myself I am curious where you are located?
Hahaha frietje stoof, yep could be very close to it. 😎
I’m between Estepona and Marbella for now. But lived so far in 8 different locations here in Andalucia. From Cádiz city all the way until Sayalonga on the other side of Málaga. Even up in the countryside of Iznájar Cordoba province when I first landed in Spain in 2015.
Where are you? And since when?
Nice to meet you here @whywhy 👋🏻😁 other Dutchie in Spain.
Nice to meet you indeed, been here for ehh 14 years almost. But my Spanish still sucks. Started in the Alpujara and moved around there for a couple of years and then during the crisis in 2011 I moved to Granada and lived in different places around Granada since. Been to Malaga, Cordoba and Iznajar but Cadiz and Marbella is still on the list.
Spanish is just hard to learn. I understand 98% of it, just the talking back is hard… I do manage to get along, even the paperwork. My pronunciation isn’t great hahaha but maybe because I lived in 5 countries so far.That’s a long time already @whywhy 😁
Great area around Granada, visited it a few times.
Cádiz is just cute and the places around it. So different than the costa del sol. More open and less tourists.
Marbella isn’t my “thing” to much pretentious hahaha
That´s exactly why I have not been to Marbella but my dad has a time share over there but is getting to old to go himself so I might go there. Understanding and surviving indeed I mastered but talking....I just lack the practice working in a global company and having a Dutch partner....but I manage.
How long have you been in Spain?
We think alike then hahaha
Yes, hard not working in a Spanish place and having a Dutch partner. I know…
I have been in Spain since 2015 but end of 2019 I moved and lived a year in Malta, came back in august 2020. Right in the pandemic. Was relocation for work. But we couldn’t get used to Malta. So moved back and switched jobs.
My hubby is British and we have been together almost 6 years. So I’m talking English at home. No Spanish there. And work also not Spanish.
I so understand it is much harder when you are not delved right into it.
My hubby works in Gibraltar and is here since 15 years, but working with English speaking colleagues. He never picked up Spanish. And doesn’t understand it either.
15 Years and doing worse than me you just made me feel good about myself, well actually he did.
Malta, nah I don't feel attracted to it, Andalusia is great although I am still not sure if I will always stay here. I would not mind living in a country with a similar climate where they speak a bit more English
very good
Thank you so much @ahmadrizqy 😁
It's really delicious, I haven't had my lunch yet and I'm hungry lol, I really want to try your meal.
Have a great day further and I hope you find something delicious to eat 😉😁Thank you so much @mezzane 😁 can you imagine me smelling it most of the day and had to wait until it actually was finished hahaha
It's amazing to see the different stages of your preparation. I think you really enjoy it. 😄
My favourite pass time… could even be meditative, like working in the veggie garden too.
Have a wonderful Friday!Thank you so much @rzc24-nftbbg 😁 I really enjoy cooking and baking 😎
Wow! I never expect that. Even meditative? That's something new! I think I better adopt such an attitude in the things I do. Most of the time, I am always in a hurry.
It is… I fully merge myself into what I am doing. Almost meditative.
Imagine this; I’m an artist and paint very realistic and detailed… when I start painting… time just passes by and I forget the day… even forget to drink or eat, as I’m in a flow… just present in the now, painting.
Sometimes I “wake” up and it is suddenly dark… hahaha and think oeps, when did that happen. Lost the day painting my little soul away 🎨🥰
Ok ok… it won’t be this extreme with cooking or gardening. 🤓😉
Don’t hurry… take your time and enjoy what you are doing, you will start to “notice” more… more details… more special moments.
I could talk forever about this hahaha lol
That explains the meditative part. I missed connecting that profile description of yours to your passion for cooking. You remind me of my cousin. He is not into cooking but into art.
Thanks for that reminder. 😊
Now you know 😉 and understand.
I did start with engineering - architect and draftsman 😉 only found art in 2011 😎 so I’m also technical 🤓 hahaha maybe I use both sides of my brain equally…
You are welcome.
Good for you. 😄 I think I lack that creativity part. I even forget which part of that brain is. 😆
Friend @ littlebee4 I loved your dish, it looks very tasty, but I doubt I can do it, my kitchen is much simpler and so are the ingredients hahaha. Bon Appetite
I understand, these ingredients can’t be found everywhere.
It was delicious…
Thank you for visiting. Have a wonderful evening!Thank you so much @lileisabel 😁 that’s nice to hear you loved my dish.
Look very nice. I want to try this one. Thanks for sharing ❤️
Happy to share, have a wonderful day further!Thank you so much @trangtran23 😁 hope you do…
Thanks. You too 😉
Thank you kindly! @trangtran23 😁
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Have a wonderful day further 👋🏻☀️🐝Thank you so much @hivebuzz team 😁 much appreciated!
You are so welcome 😁 @hivebuzz team 👋🏻 Thank you kindly!
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