"Broccoli Namul"
I made broccoli Namul the other day. "Namul(ナムル)" is originally from Korea. Mix some sesame oil and seasonings with boiled vegetables in salted water. It is a very famous side dish in Asia. Usually, people use bean sprouts and wild plants for making Namul. I used broccoli this time.
About Namul ナムルについてはコチラ:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Namul
・Broccoli 1 bunch
・Garlic 2 pieces
・Salt to taste
・Sesame oil 1-2 tablespoons
・Roasted sesame seeds to taste
・Soy sauce 1-2 teaspoons
・Chicken stocks 2 teaspoons
(I didn't have chicken stocks this time. I used hondashi instead)
・Sugar 2 teaspoons
・Cooking sake 1 tablespoon
Cooking time is about 15 minutes including the preparation time.
・ブロッコリー 一房
・にんにく 2かけ
・塩 少々
・ごま油 大さじ1−2
・いりごま 少々
・しょうゆ 大さじ1−2
・鶏がらスープの素 小さじ1−2
・さとう 小さじ2
・料理酒 大さじ1
- Take broccoli pieces away from the bunch.
- Cut the stem parts into thin sizes.
- Boil the stem parts first with salt.
- Add broccoli.
- After boiling for a few minutes, drain, and wash with cold water.
- Cut the stem parts into smaller pieces.
1. ブロッコリーを房から取る。
2. 茎の部分を薄く切る。
3. 沸騰したお湯に塩を入れ、 茎の部分から先に茹でる。
4. ブロッコリーを加える。
5. 数分茹でたら、お湯を捨て冷水で洗う。
6. 茎の部分を小さく切る。
- Grind roasted sesame seeds.
1. いりごまをする。
- Grind ginger.
- Add cooking sake.
- Add sesame oil.
- Add soy sauce.
- Add chicken (hondashi) stocks.
- Add sugar.
- Add roasted sesame seeds.
1. にんにくをする。
2. 料理酒を入れる。
3. ごま油を入れる。
4. しょうゆを加える。
5. 鶏ガラスープの素(ほんだし)を加える。
6. いりごまを加える。
Done! Simple and easy. It was pretty good.
I had it with salmon, mushrooms, and rice.
Your food always looks so good!
Arigatou! I like taking food pictures.
Very good preparation and presentation. Looks like a very good meal.
Thank you for your nice message! It was pretty delicious.