Marble Cake

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago

Today I prepared a dessert because I had not touched the oven for a long time, it was a fairly simple cake with few ingredients, nothing complicated.

Hoy preparé un postre porque ya tenía mucho tiempo sin tocar el horno, fue una torta bastante sencilla y con pocos ingredientes, nada complicado.


First to start with our cake we are going to take 160 grams of butter, 2 tablespoons of oil and 1 1/2 cup of white sugar, we proceed to mix until they are integrated and it looks a little creamy, I admit that I do not have a mixer so I used some manual mixers.

Primero para empezar con nuestro torta vamos a tomar 160 gramos de mantequilla, 2 cucharadas de aceite y 1 1/2 taza de azúcar blanca, procedemos a mezclar hasta que estén integrados y se vea un poco cremoso, admito que no tengo batidora así que usé unas barillas manuales.


Now we are going to need 4 large eggs and we are going to add them to this mixture one by one, making sure to integrate each egg very well before placing the other, and we are also going to add a teaspoon of vanilla extract.

Ahora vamos a necesitar 4 huevos grandes y los vamos a ir añadiendo a esta mezcla uno por uno, asegurandonos de integrar muy bien cada huevo antes de colocar el otro, y también vamos a agregar una cucharadita de extracto de vainilla.


On the other hand I am going to take 2 1/2 cups of wheat flour, 2 teaspoons of baking powder and a teaspoon of salt and we are going to sift all this to avoid having lumps in our mixture, once we have this ready, we proceed to incorporate it to the butter mixture that we were preparing.

We are going to add the flour in three portions because we must make sure to integrate everything very well, also in this step we need 1 cup of whole milk and we are going to add this in two parts as well.

Por otro lado voy a tomar 2 1/2 tazas de harina de trigo, 2 cucharaditas de polvo de hornear y una cucharadita de sal y vamos a tamizar todo esto para evitar tener grumos en nuestra mezcla, una vez tenemos esto listo, procedemos a incorporarlo a la mezcla de mantequilla que estábamos preparando.

Vamos a ir agregando la harina en tres porciones porque debemos asegurarnos de integrar todo muy bien, también en este paso necesitamos 1 taza de leche entera y esta la vamos a añadir en dos partes también.


Once we have all this well integrated we are ready to mix a part with chocolate and for that I took approximately 100 grams of chocolate, I had it in this presentation so I had to place it in the microwave twice for 15 seconds to avoid accidents, and once melted I proceeded to mix it and add half of the cake mix.

Una vez tenemos todo esto bien integrado estamos listos para mezclar una parte con chocolate y para eso yo tomé aproximadamente 100 gramos de chocolate, lo tenía en esta presentación por lo que tuve que colocarlo en el microondas por lapsos de 15 segundos dos veces para evitar accidentes, y una vez derretido procedí a mezclarlo y añadir la mitad de la mezcla de la torta.


Now we need our cake mold greased and floured (Remember that we must preheat the oven at 180c/350F for 15 min) and we are going to pour a part of the mixture, I started with the vanilla and then I added the chocolate very randomly, and so on I made few layers, before finishing I took a toothpick and with this I introduced it to the mixture and began to make swirls until I got this presentation.

Ahora necesitamos nuestro molde de torta engrasado y enharinado (Recuerda que debemos precalentar el horno a 180c/350F por 15 min) y vamos a verter una parte de la mezcla, empecé por la vainilla y luego añadí el de chocolate muy al azar, y así hice varias capas, antes de finalizar tomé un palillo de dientes y con esto lo introduje a la mezcla y comencé a hacer remolinos hasta que me quedo esta presentación.



The next thing is to put it in the oven for approximately 35-40 minutes with the same temperature, please, do not open the oven until the time has elapsed, otherwise your cake will not rise.

I had some small problems when I made my cake because I just ran out of gas when I put it in and of course that affects the preparation, it was stunned, I was able to continue the preparation but when I took it out of the oven and let it rest to unmold I noticed that it had stuck a little.

Lo siguiente es introducirla al horno por aproximadamente 35-40 minutos con la misma temperatura, por favor, no abrir el horno hasta que el tiempo haya transcurrido de lo contrario tu torta no se va a elevar.

Yo tuve unos pequeños problemas cuando hice mi torta porque justo se me terminó el gas al introducirla y por supuesto eso afecta la preparación, se queda pasmada, pude continuar la preparación pero al sacarla del horno e dejarla reposar para desmoldar noté que se había quedado pegada un poco.





Cake is a very favorite food. I like to eat cake a lot.We have the whole process of making you a wonderful cake However, following your process, I can now make this amazing cake at home. Thank you very much for giving us such a wonderful recipe.I will definitely try to make it at home

Oh that's nice it is actually a very soft cake 😊

That's a nice little cake. Sometimes I want something sweet like this dessert but don't want to take too much time to make a whole big one. This would definitely be a good alternative. I like the idea of adding chocolate and vanilla. These two flavors are just pretty good.

That's a classic flavor that I like, the best of two worlds

But why? I told you to have Mercy on us, but you decided to increase the volume. Now I can't stop salivating 🤤🤤🤤

That's right it is all or nothing hahahaha