Mango Delight - For all the Mango lovers

I love mangoes and anything made out of Mangoes. Tried this very simple yet delicious dessert and I would like to share it with you all.

Mango main.jpg

All you need is-

Roasted Vermicelli (Boiled) - 3 tbsp
Basil Seeds/ khas khas soaked in water and drained - 3 tbsp
Fresh cream - 1 cup
Condensed Milk - as per your sweet tooth
Dry fruits - Pistachios or almonds or mix as per your choice
Mango - 1 cubed

Method -
Mix all the ingredients in fresh cream and add in chunks of mango into it and refrigerate it.

The cooler the better.

You can drop in comments if you have any doubts. Do try it out and let me know how you guys found it.



Nice one ! My favourite too 😍

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