Hello bees, i wish to share this with you, hope you find it helpful.
Still on living healthy, so i decided to make a very healthy drink with beetroot. Beetroot is not very common and different people use it in doing different things. I decided to use it to make juice which could be used as a base for making other fruits juice. It can also be used as a natural colourant. Someone might ask the question, what is beetroot.
Beetroot is a vegetable and a taproot portion of a beet plant. It can be eaten whole and raw. It does need cooking.
Making this juice is very easy, it's litterally just blending the vegetable. It has enough liquid in it. You would be amazed with the quantiy of juice you would get. Since the vegetable is a root plant, it usaully comes in very dirty so you would really need to take some time to wash it before cleaning.
I did not get to do it that way, i cleaned and then washed it thorougly.
I did this by using a knife to clean or trim of the back of it. It's very important not to dig in too much because alot of nutrients are deposited on the back of the fruits and vegetables.
When i was done triming, i used my juice extractor to seperate the juice from the shaft. A blender can also be used in place of the juice extractor. But this would require you using a sieve to seperate the juice from the rest.
That was all, my juice is ready. Other fruits of your choice could be added to do but this is basically a beetroot drink.
See how red my mouth was, that is to show you that it is a natural colourant.
Beetroot has alot of health benefits but let me mention a few.
It prevents anemia
Protects the liver
Improves blood pressure
Reduces inflamation
Thanks for reading.
Special mention: