A defeat with Asian food or was it just the location?🍚🌏

in Foodies Bee Hive ‱ 2 months ago

ÂżQuĂ© tan amplio es tu paladar? El mĂ­o es corto, pero no es tan malo como parece, suelo comer BASTANTE, pero desde que me enfermĂ©, realmente no soy tan fan de comer en la calle, aunque hay dĂ­as de dĂ­as que me animo y me como lo que me apetezca y MÁS, si tengo dinero de sobra, eso SÍ es super importante de aclarar. Sucede que salgo mucho con mis amigos y soy fan de probar nuevos sabores, sabores que he visto en los videos, redes sociales, series, lo que sea que me dĂ© ganas de comerlo, y bueno, siempre existen esos antojos extraños que me suenan a un embarazo, pero NO, no soy activa muchachos, calma.

Al salir de mi casa, en mi mente ya estĂĄ divisada las cosas que quiero comer, tenĂ­a antojo de dulces como chocolate o arequipe, deseaba algo dulce por el momento y con mi amiga fuimos a un centro comercial a comer Churros ManĂ­a, es un sitio muy convencional de mi paĂ­s donde tiene promociones un poco elevadas de precio, pero el sabor era fenomenal porque le echaban bastante chocolate y arequipe. AdemĂĄs, era el recuerdo pleno de comer Churros en uno de los sitios de mi infancia y, a pesar de que tenĂ­a tiempo, aun recordaba la sensaciĂłn de lo crujiente y con el Nestea de durazno que me generaba flashbacks.

ENGLISH VERSION How broad is your palate? Mine is short, but it's not as bad as it seems, I usually eat A LOT, but since I got sick, I'm not really that big of a fan of eating out, although there are days when I feel like it and I eat whatever I want and MORE, if I have money to spare, that IS super important to clarify. It happens that I go out a lot with my friends and I'm a fan of trying new flavors, flavors that I've seen in videos, social networks, series, whatever makes me want to eat it, and well, there are always those strange cravings that sound like a pregnancy to me, but NO, I'm not active guys, calm down.

When I left my house, I already had a clear idea of ​​what I wanted to eat in my mind. I was craving sweets like chocolate or caramel. I wanted something sweet for the moment and my friend and I went to a shopping center to eat Churros Manía. It's a very conventional place in my country where they have somewhat high-priced promotions, but the flavor was phenomenal because they put a lot of chocolate and caramel in it. In addition, it was a full memory of eating Churros in one of the places of my childhood and, even though it had been a while, I still remembered the sensation of how crunchy they were and the peach Nestea that gave me flashbacks.

DespuĂ©s de comer dulce, sabĂ­a que se vendrĂ­a las ganas de comer salado porque asĂ­ funciona mis ganas de comer, explotan de la nada y cuando tengo dinero en mi cuenta, es peor la toma de decisiones, entonces me animĂ© a comer lo que se llama Corn Dogs estilo coreanos, el sitio era muy chiquito pero bonito, la atenciĂłn al cliente fue genial y el menĂș era claro y sencillo.

Me pedĂ­ uno con salchicha y mozzarella, alrededor estaba compuesto de pan con las 2 salsas: salsa de tomate y mostaza, segundo, una cosa acotar es que el revuelto para ser croqueante es que nos dijeron que tenĂ­a azĂșcar, pero yo me lo tomĂ© como un poco de azĂșcar, en realidad
 TenĂ­a bastante y eso dañó mucho mi temperamento porque ya estaba empalaga con los churros y, ahora con el corn dog, estaba full de azĂșcar, como si fuese Corn Flake de azĂșcar, muy pero muy dulce. La prĂłxima vez, debe ser SIN azĂșcar, y con otro topping extra para agregar sabores nuevos.

Pero debo añadir que, no estaba feo, aunque me hubiese gustado que el queso mozzarella fuese saladito, porque casi nada tenía sal, asi que le daría 7/10. Sin embargo, el escenario mås caótico de todos fue cuando me animé a probar por PRIMERA VEZ, el Onigiri, yo lo había visto en muchas ocasiones como Tik tok o series coreanas, pero sinceramente, estaba full emocionada ante un nuevo sabor en mi paladar.

ENGLISH VERSION After eating sweets, I knew I would get the cravings for salty food because that's how my cravings work, they explode out of nowhere and when I have money in my account, it's worse to make decisions, so I decided to eat what they call Korean-style Corn Dogs. The place was very small but nice, the customer service was great and the menu was clear and simple.

I ordered one with sausage and mozzarella, it was surrounded by bread with 2 sauces: tomato sauce and mustard. Second, one thing to note is that the scrambled eggs, in order to be crispy, were told that they had sugar, but I took it as a little sugar, actually... It had quite a bit and that really hurt my temperament because I was already sick with the churros and now with the corn dog, it was full of sugar, as if it were a sugary Corn Flake, very, very sweet. Next time, it should be WITHOUT sugar, and with another extra topping to add new flavors.

But I must add that it wasn't bad, although I would have liked the mozzarella cheese to be salty, because it had almost no salt, so I would give it a 7/10. However, the most chaotic scenario of all was when I decided to try Onigiri for the FIRST TIME. I had seen it on many occasions like Tik tok or Korean series, but honestly, I was completely excited about a new flavor on my palate.

Me comprĂ© un Onigiri con relleno de cangrejo, aunque habĂ­an de atĂșn, pollo y no recuerdo mĂĄs, estaba a punto de escoger el de atĂșn, pero estaba mĂĄs con ganas de cangrejo, tardaron como 3 minutos y bueno, como estaba con mis amigas, nos pusimos a conversar mientras pasaba el tiempo, da un poco de risa porque dentro de mĂ­, estaba como niña esperando a Santa Clous, pero en serio lo querĂ­a probar
 Cuando llega el momento, lo busco y de verdad, que la presentaciĂłn es muy cuchi, te dan hasta salsa de soya en un potecito de plĂĄstico en forma de pescado, pero era diminuto y me daba risa.

Ok, el momento de la verdad llegó, el Onigiri sabía HORRIBLE para mi gusto, no voy a odiar el plato, odiaré la persona que hizo el Onigiri porque estaba muy extraño, no tenía sal NADITA, ósea nada de lo que estaba comiendo tenía sal, era comer arroz sin sal y me daba la sensación que no era arroz chino sino arroz normal, entonces como estå algo mazacotudo como diría mi mamå, pues realmente no sabía bien.

Me llevé un fiasco grande, pero realmente no importaba, quería la experiencia y la tuve, si tuviese la oportunidad de volver a comprar ahí pues la desaprovecho porque ese le doy un 3/10, muy malo, los Corn Dogs estaban buenos, pero no para repetir constantemente, tal vez en otra vida, fui china porque andaba criticando los platos como si fuese mi cultura y supiera QUE PUEDEN SER MEJORES, en fin, esta fue mi experiencia y ojalå no se repita siempre porque terminaré con gastritis otra vez xD.

Besitos, algĂșn coreano o chino que me lea, por favor, invĂ­teme a comer su comida que YO SÉ QUE ES BUENA.

ENGLISH VERSION I bought an Onigiri filled with crab, although they had tuna, chicken and I don't remember more, I was about to choose the tuna one, but I was more in the mood for crab, it took about 3 minutes and well, since I was with my friends, we started talking while time passed, it's a little funny because inside I was like a little girl waiting for Santa Claus, but I really wanted to try it... When the time comes, I look for it and really, the presentation is very cute, they even give you soy sauce in a little plastic container in the shape of a fish, but it was tiny and it made me laugh.

Ok, the moment of truth arrived, the Onigiri tasted HORRIBLE for my taste, I'm not going to hate the dish, I'll hate the person who made the Onigiri because it was very strange, it had NO salt AT ALL, I mean nothing I was eating had salt, it was like eating rice without salt and it gave me the feeling that it wasn't Chinese rice but normal rice, so since it was kind of lumpy as my mom would say, it really didn't taste good.

I was very disappointed, but it didn't really matter, I wanted the experience and I had it, if I had the opportunity to buy there again I would waste it because I would give it a 3/10, very bad, the Corn Dogs were good, but not to repeat constantly, maybe in another life, I was Chinese because I was criticizing the dishes as if it was my culture and I knew THEY COULD BE BETTER, anyway, this was my experience and I hope it doesn't happen again because I will end up with gastritis again xD.

Kisses, any Korean or Chinese who reads this, please invite me to eat your food that I KNOW IS GOOD.

The sweets looks super but even more the corn dog 😍😍😍 I never try the corn dog but looks super tasty.

Yess, is super yummy the corn dog haha !

Chama esos Corn dogs tienen una pinta demasiado buenaaa! Ahora voy a tener que buscar alguna receta en Tiktok para probarlo!

Tienen una buena pinta verdad? Pero tampoco los amé JAJAJA

Mucha gente se lleva un fiasco al comer onigiris, pero en realidad así es el arroz japonés, no tiene sal, su forma de sazonarlo es diferente, hay que tomar eso en cuenta a la hora de probarlos y sí, ese arroz es glutinoso para que pueda tener consistencia maleable.

Pues siii, pero fijate que hoy comĂ­ de una amiga que es coreana y ella los hizo super ricos, no se, aun tengo la creencia de que ese lugar no trabajĂł bien con los ingredientes JAJA