Cooking for Dinner: Steamed Fish and Carrots Omelette

Let's cook dinner!

I wanted to finish whatever remainder in the freezer before I top it up again for the month. I saw one more pack of frozen fillet tilapia fish and one more pack and pangasius patin fish slices. So let's steamed them up.

Steamed fish in soy sauce and carrots omelette! Such enjoyment!

Steamed fish

Firstly, I marinated the fish with some sesame oil and Shao Xing wine.

Next, I prepared a bulk of Chinese steamed fish sauce for the usage of the month. It consisted of onion, lots of ginger and garlic, in soy sauce and oyster sauce. In a pan of hot oil, stir fry the condiments till aromatic, followed by adding some water, soy sauce and oyster sauce. And the result was a whole bowl of ginger onion steamed fish sauce for the month. Whenever I want to steam fish in the future, I already have this sauce handy. Yay! I am learning to prep food in bulk for the purpose of saving some money.

After marinating the fish for about 15 minutes, set the steamer to boil. Arrange the fish nicely unto a steamer plate and put some slices of ginger on top to get rid of the fishy smell. I steamed for 7 minutes, then took out the plate to pour away the remainder water.

Followed by adding the steamed fish soy sauce, topped with scallion and continue steaming for another 3 minutes.


The steamed fish was done. My children really love this way of steamed fish. This is the easiest to cook in my opinion and save a lot of time too.

I separated the tilapia out for the eldest son because he actually doesn't really prefer the pangasius fish slices due to the skin parts.

Carrots Omelette!

Whenever I cook this, it only meant one thing — I ran out of idea what to cook. This was a no brainer to me, so I chose this. Diced the carrots and onions. Seasoned eggs with salt and pepper and some chicken stock powder, beaten then up.

In a pan of hot pork lard, stir fry the onions till fragrant, followed by adding in the carrots and fry till soften. Then added in the beaten eggs and cooked till it was done. I was still getting used to the new pan, so I burnt the onions a little. Opsie.

There we had it! Our simple dinner!

We ate these with a plate of warm rice and super loving this simple dinner. The boys kept saying I got 100% for the steamed fish. Lol... I liked to have fun with them and asked them to rate the dishes.🫣 My husband was not feeling well and abit low on appetite so he just wanted three fried eggs with pork lard and some salt drizzle. Hope he recovers soon!

Bon Appetit!


Omg everything looks wonderful, what you use for cooking the the fish? It's a cool pot, looks perfect for frying. ❤️ The fish looks super and the omelette too 🤤

The one for steaming fish was actually my old frying pan, but I turned it into steaming pot. The pan I used for making the sauce and stir frying the ginger onions is a stainless steel honey-comb pan, which has gone viral now at my country. Thank you for visiting my blog.🤗

Thanks for sharing this delicious and easy to prepare recipe. I like fish 🐟 ❤️

Thank you for being here at my blog. 🤗