You Say Tomato - I Say Superfood

The tomato has been called many things throughout history: Peruvian apple, tomato, and even, by Americans a minimum of, a vegetable. Today, however, this lovely fruit is fast becoming referred to as Superfood!


While unable to leap tall buildings during a single bound, this superhero of the nutrition world is in a position to try to some pretty amazing things. for instance, some studies show the tomato may help decrease the danger of prostatic adenocarcinoma, also as breast, lung, and stomach cancers. and therefore the Herald Sun reported in 2003 that the yellow jelly around the seeds has yet one more benefit: they'll stop blood cells from clumping together, which sometimes results in strokes and heart attacks.

What is it about this tiny red fruit that creates it so amazing? Lycopene.

Okay, therefore the word lycopene doesn’t sound very appetizing, but this powerful antioxidant is that the chemical in tomatoes that not only is liable for its red color but also liable for its disease-fighting powers.

Just ask an Italian. Italian cooking relies very heavily on tomatoes and tomato products. And, some studies have suggested that this heavy intake of tomatoes by Italians has resulted during a lowering of cancer of the alimentary canal.

Now, you’re probably thinking you've got to consume tons and plenty of fresh tomatoes to enjoy any health benefits. Not true. In one research study, it had been reported that folks who ate tomatoes a minimum of every other day had greater lung capacity. And, the tomatoes don’t even need to be fresh! Again, research shows that the lycopene in tomatoes is more easily absorbed by the body if processed into ketchup, sauce, and paste. So, not only are tomatoes a superfood, they’re a simple superfood to incorporate in your diet.

Of course, fresh tomatoes are still beneficial and full of wonderful nutrients (not to say delicious). Just remember the one rule of fresh tomatoes: don’t put them within the refrigerator. The refrigerator destroys not only the flavor, it also destroys the nutrients.

So, go ahead, do something good for your health tonight. Have a tomato.

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