Easy Chocolate Covered Popcorn

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago (edited)

Here is a fun easy snack to make when you’re craving chocolate. All I had to do was melt the chocolatey ingredients, pour on the popcorn and pop in the freezer for a few minutes. So yummy! I’ve been meaning to post a healthy caramel popcorn recipe too, so I will try to get on that in the near future.



Chocolate Covered Popcorn


1 cup popped popcorn (or rice cakes!)
1 - ½ tbs coconut oil
1 tbs carob / cacao powder
pinch of sea salt
1/4 tsp vanilla extract, optional
½ tbs maple syrup or xylitol (or agave)
½ tbs unsweetened almond milk, optional
optional toppings: unsweetened carob chips / vegan chocolate chips, Omega Crunch Maple or Cinnamon crunchy flax



Pop your popcorn kernels and set aside to cool.

Heat up some coconut oil on low heat and add in carob/cacao powder, sea salt, vanilla, maple syrup/xylitol and the almond milk. Stir to everything gets mixed thoroughly and so that there aren't any lumps.

Remove from heat. Get out a sheet or bowl and line with parchment paper. Put in the popcorn and then pour the melted chocolate over top. Stir or toss around to evenly coat the popcorn.


Pop in the freezer for about 10 minutes and then you can gently break up the popcorn and transfer into a bowl and you're done! Yum yum. This is a very nice and relatively quick way to get a pretty healthy crunchy sweet snack going on.



Manually curated by goldendawne from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thank you so much 🌝