"Pipes i carasses" with avocado / "Pipes i carasses" con aguacate [ENG-ESP]


"Pipes i carasses" is a local denomination for a traditional recipe in several municipalities in the province of Alicante (Spain). "Pipes i carasses" is the local denomination in the city of Elche. In another municipality near Elche, Alcoy, this recipe with a small difference, is called "Pericana".

In both cases, to elaborate this recipe, Capellán is used. The capellán (Trisopterus minutus) also called bacalailla, faneca-menor, mollera or lirio is a salted fish of the cod family. To make it you can put it in a frying pan over low heat until it is lightly browned or bring it close to the flame moving it continuously so it does not burn. I put it in the frying pan, it is more comfortable :). Once it is done, crumble it into small pieces.

While the Capellán is being made, you can fry some tender garlic until they are golden brown. At that moment take them out of the fire and add the capellán and the ñora. The ñora is the type of bell pepper used to make this dish.

Officially the hard-boiled egg is not part of this recipe but as I like it better with egg and I am not the only one who does it.....

It is usually eaten with bread or toast dipped in the sauce. As there was an avocado in the fridge, someone came up with the great idea of eating it with "Pipes i carasses". This is the result and it was very tasty.

I hope you liked it and see you next time.

“Pipes i carasses” es una denominación local para una receta tradicional en varios municipios de la provincia de Alicante (España). “Pipes i carasses” es la denominación local en la ciudad de Elche. En otro municipio cercano a Elche, Alcoy, esta receta con una pequeña diferencia, se denomina “Pericana”.

En ambos casos, para elaborar esta receta se utiliza Capellán. El capellán (Trisopterus minutus) también denominado bacalailla, faneca-menor, mollera o lirio es un pescado en salazón de la familia del bacalao. Para hacerlo se puede poner en una sartén a fuego lento hasta que está ligeramente dorado o acercarlo a la llama moviéndolo continuamente para que no se queme. Yo lo ha puesto en la sartén, es más cómodo :). Una vez hecho se desmenuza en trozos pequeños.

Mientras se hace el Capellán se pueden freír unos ajos tiernos hasta que estén dorados. En ese momento se sacan del fuego y se añade el capellán y la ñora. La ñora es el tipo de pimiento que se utiliza para hacer este plato.

Oficialmente, el huevo duro no forma parte de esta receta pero como me gusta más con huevo y se que no soy el único que lo hace......

Se suele comer con pan o tostadas mojadas en la salsa. Como había una aguacate por la nevera a alguien se le ha ocurrido la genial idea de comerlo con “Pipes i carasses”. Este es el resultado y estaba muy sabroso.

Espero que te haya gustado y hasta la próxima publicación.

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You have a green thumb and a chefs hand. Beautiful photos and delicious looking dish! Thanks for sharing with us.

Thank so much my friend. I like cooking too. Especially when I can do it without rushing, which is almost never.

I enjoy it too, but usually it takes me a long time to prepare a meal. 😄


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Now my mind goes with a pinch of canna taste enhancer with the dish 🤣

In another nearby municipality it is called "Pericanna"

Believe it or not, I did went and Google it 🤣 and this came up. Pericana.

I know the joke, I just wanted to confirm if there's someone already adopted that phrase 😁

I have to believe it, lol. !WEED


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Fua mi bro, eso se ve buenísimo. Yo lo acompañaría con arepa uff.


Arepa como tal no tengo, pero sí tengo tortillas de maíz y me acabas de dar otra combinación que probaré la próxima vez que haga. !PIZZA


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Like my friend @morenow I would serve it with arepa. Thanks for the recipe, the fish looks delicious, like you I also like the boiled egg, excellent idea.
Merry Christmas

Al igual que el amigo @morenow yo la acompañaría con arepa. Gracias por la receta se ve que quedo delicioso el pescado, al igual que a ti me gusta también el huevo cocido, excelente idea
Feliz navidad

Thank you for your advice. I am in Spain and it is not easy to find arepas in the stores but this is an excellent idea. Happy 2023

Gracias por el consejo. Estoy en España y no es fácil encontrar arepa en las tiendas pero es una excelente idea. Feliz 2023.

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Looks amazing! I can't cook though. Gonna send this to my mom 🤣

It was amazing, thank you. I don't have a mom but I can cook 🐸

I really like avocado

You must have good taste. Besides, they say it is very healthy

Uuh I love avocado, pipes and carrasses looks good ❤️

Avocado is great and can be mixed with many other foods. Thanks 💚