Pantry Tour Homestead - My Short Term Food Storage

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago

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My main goal on the homestead is to become 100% self-sufficient and food storage is one of those main focuses to be able to achieve this. When Covid-19 creeped into our lives in 2020 and even to this day food and other items seem to be in short supply.

I decided soon after this I wanted my own homestead and to be able to grow my own food and eventually become 100% self-sufficient in all things.When SHTF I plan to have a functional rotating food storage. I want to more than survive a bad situation I want to thrive!

Food storage begins in the pantry. Building proper food reserves doesn’t have to take a huge amount of money and effort. When your shopping and your favorite food is on sale pick up a 2nd or third can. Those buy one get one free deals are perfect and an easy way to stock up your short term storage in your pantry. 1-3 months.

Food storage layers:

A multi layered food storage plan is the best. 0-3 months short term which is easy to access via your pantry. These are the foods you consume daily and rotate with the oldest in the front and newest in the back.

The next 3-12 months is overflow from the pantry. For example some of those items would be flour, sugar and oats. From there your long term storage 1-30 years. Are long term preserved foods that will last for years. #10 cans can last between 25-30 years and mylar bags are another great reliable way to store good for long term.

Food Storage:

Food storage is critical for self sufficiency and with that proper containers matter. For myself I like storing it in glass mason jars, mylar bags and 5 gallon buckets. Glass jars store dried fruit, nuts and other dried items.

Be very aware of temperature, oxygen and moisture in your food storage layers. These are the three things that can quickly ruin your food storage! Gubba Tip: Don’t store 5 gallon buckets directly on cement because that will create moisture inside the bucket.

What’s your favorite item from my pantry?

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Yes! Wonderful aspiration and goal to set! The fact you share your findings and tips here to duplicate them is even better.

Lactofeementation will definitely be your friend when it comes to flavour and shelf life.
