The Raw Milk Ice Cream Experiment

in Foodies Bee Hive3 years ago

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In my previous post I showed how I whip up ice cream base and shared my recipe for it as well. In this little offering, I am going to show ya'll how I churn the ice cream from base to stuffing your face!

Now, I have made ice cream a ton of ways, from rolling it around in an ice and ice cream salt double coffee can apparatus, to kicking around an ice cream ball, to churning it in a big hand crank machine, as well as one of the electric, wooden paddle kind. And all of those, while fun, are also kinda messy. A couple of years ago, I went up a step in home ice cream production and bought a Cuisinart ice cream maker.

This one to be exact.


My model is a bit older, so not all silver like the one above.

My Cuisinart ice cream maker is the kind where you freeze the bowl before you churn. So to be completely honest, if you want to have the laziest ice cream possible, I recommend just popping into the store and buying a quart or two, because ice cream making is a little bit planning and time intensive.

But oh, the rewards! The taste of homemade ice cream is out of this world, and you also know exactly what's in it!


Oh, and here's a little tip for ya, buy an extra freezer container to go with your machine if you get a Cuisinart like mine. You have to have your bowl frozen solid before you churn, so it's nice to always have one waiting in the freezer. I keep both of mine in the chest freezer, ready to accept churn fodder at a moment's notice! I'm serious about ice cream.

Oh OH! Also: Never ever ever wash your cannister in the dishwasher, it will ruin it. That is all.

Okay, now we can get on to the churning. I always make my base the day before I churn. Mainly because I am not a 1%er and I don't have a blast chiller. Dang, that would be nice. Anyway, ice cream comes out best if everything is nice and cold. When I am ready to churn, I take the cannister out of the freezer, plop it into the machine, put in the paddle, put the lid on top to lock everything in, and turn the beastie on.


Next, I go to the fridge, take out my chilled base, and slowly pour it into the already churning machine. Between 25-30 minutes later my ice cream is fully churned and creamy, dreamy, fluffy.




At this point it is soft serve like in consistency. In order for it to be the best ice cream it can be, I like to freeze it for at least a couple of hours. I scoop out the ice cream and put it into a container. Something I do, which I don't know if it is truly necessary or not, is I press plastic wrap right onto the surface of my ice cream before I seal the container. I hate ice crystals in ice cream, I want my homemade ice cream eating experience to be like eating silken velvet lusciousness, so I take every precaution to achieve an ice cream of that state. Hence the 8 egg yolks too, more fat equals more creamy, scoopable, non-ice crystally, ice cream. Cause science.


And the end result, just look at this slab of greatness!


My recipe made 3 containers this size, 3 separate churning's worth!

Another great thing about my recipe is that it makes A LOT of ice cream! I think I got around 5 or 6 quarts outta that batch. Small batch recipes are cool sometimes, but I tend to have a lot of people lurking around my house at any given moment. This particular batch of ice cream is going to be inhaled by my game night crew as one of them supplied the cream and milk, and another one is going to be celebrating a birthday this week, so the ice cream is my gift to them all.

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Well, and to myself too, because you can bet your favorite hot fudge topping that I will be eating a big bowl of the stuff!

And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's dairy-free unfortunately iPhone.


And a beautiful conclusion.
I never knew making ice cream could be so difficult, with lots of things to do.
I guess that is because i never really bothered to learn how.
Congratulations on your beautiful ice cream, i sure hope you and your friends enjoy it✌

Hello Bruno! So good to hear from you, and ice cream is a bit on the multiple step side, at least a true churned custard type is, but there are so many quick ice cream recipes and hacks out there on the Web if you are interested in whipping up something a little easier/faster. I am just sometimes a sucker for the multi-step, time-consuming artisan type of things, and the raw milk my friend brought me deserved to be treated in such a manner, lol:)

Hope all is well across the pond!

I would probably try it out some day.
All is well indeed. Thank you.

Oh, man! That stuff looooks soooo gooood!!

So tonight's the party and we are going to eat it, but I might have sneaked a bite, and holy creamy excellence is it ever perfect! The texture and taste definitely are a taste bud slap of gloriousness!

Can you tell I love it? lol!

Wow that's pretty sweet. Reminds me of the Ben and Jerry's story. Here's some !PIZZA to go with the ice cream. :)

@generikat! I sent you a slice of $PIZZA on behalf of @dreamingirwin.

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Well, thank you so much @dreamingirwin, that is super sweet of you! Pizza and ice cream are two of my favorite things:)

That looks very consistent! I didnt try raw milk, but it looks different to the pasteurised stuff!

I have a bigger cheat for making lazy ice cream.

I just peal some bananas and freeze them!

I love frozen banana ice cream too! It's so easy! I mean, the raw milk ice cream was amazingly good, but it did take a lot of steps and two days to get there, so I am glad the banana stuff is an option😊

I love home made ice cream! Looks delicious!

Thank you so much! And yes, homemade ice cream is the best!

I just had some icecream but now after seeing this post, I want more.
Thanks for sharing on LISTNERDS

Ha haha! I hope you got another bowl full lol!


I wish I had an ice machine.This looks delicious and I bet I would have to make ice cream for my wife every day.
!1up !PIZZA

They really are pretty useful and a lot of fun! Thank you so much for dropping by!



I am not sure if there is anything better than homemade ice cream. I never had it made with whole milk but I am sure that makes it even better. Thanks for sharing.

All that delicious cream in the whole raw milk made the ice cream taste like buttery silk, it really was amazing! And I agree with you, I have yet to find something better, although I am a bit partial to Italian gelato lol!

Thanks for stopping by!


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I'd love to have some of that fluffy goodness! It looks absolutely divine!
Hot fudge topping sounds amazing too hehe.
Now I want to make some ice cream...
Oh wait, I still have some of the Oreo cheesecake ice cream that I made for my daughter's birthday yesterday...OK, I'm out hehe.

Yum - the end result looks really great.Guess I need a ice cream machime to make it though.