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RE: Guava Rolls - just having a go!

in Foodies Bee Hive4 years ago

I've never tried guava jam but I like guavas so assume I'd like it. Those pastries look great too; far be it for me to ignore the combination of jam and pastry baked in an oven. No can do. 🙄

I'd like to make some sensible comments about the recipe and process but I'm not much of a cook so instead I'll just say that I hope you're ok; referring to the needed distraction comment of course.

I also note your blankslate chopping board in the background. Great gift that! 😊


Ok I already said Good Night! But the distraction was just for the downer of our new restrictions. It’s just a mental thing because in reality it’s doesn’t change much for us at all. Just the weight of knowing that this all sucks.

On a high note; our former President was sentenced to 15 months in prison today for being contempt of court.

Fun and games in Africa. Never a dull moment.

Ah yeah, the restrictions. It's happening here too as the government stupidity runs rampant. If you need a pep up let me know, I'll tell you some jokes.

Warning: I am terrible at telling jokes. Like, the worst at it. Lol.

Good to see some of your criminals government officials getting what they deserve. Should happen everywhere. Restore some balance.