Pescado empapelado
Hola amigos de Hive, hoy les traigo una receta excelente,
se trata de un delicioso pescado empapelado, en este caso use mojarra fresca ya que es un pescado fácil de conseguir en mi localidad (Villahermosa-Tabasco-México) y es un poco mas económica en comparación con otras especies que existen en el mercado.
Esta variedad de pescado es una de las fuentes principales de producción en México y proviene de granjas acuícolas.
Me encanta comer pescado porque se que este le aporta al organismo nutrientes como proteína, minerales, fósforo, potasio vitaminas etc.
Este fin de semana me anime hacerlo ya que en la semana fue mi cumpleaños y si quería deleitarme con hacer esta receta y disfrutarla en casa, comerla con unas tortillas y un rico chile que suelo preparar el cual pienso enseñarte hacerlo en otro momento.
Por ahora nos enfocaremos en hacer este pescado empapelado al comal, para ello necesitaras los siguientes ingredientes:
Hello friends of Hive, today I bring you an excellent recipe,
I used fresh mojarra because it is an easy fish to get in my town (Villahermosa-Tabasco-Mexico) and it is a little cheaper compared to other species that exist in the market.
This variety of fish is one of the main sources of production in Mexico and comes from aquaculture farms.
I love to eat fish because I know that it provides the body with nutrients such as protein, minerals, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins, etc.
This weekend I decided to make it because it was my birthday and I wanted to enjoy this recipe at home, eat it with tortillas and a delicious chili that I usually prepare and I will show you how to make it another time.
For now let's focus on making this fish with the comal, for this you will need the following ingredients:

Crush the garlic in a molcajete, add the juice of half a lemon, salt to taste and a tablespoon of butter, spread with 1/4 cup of water.
Varnish all the fish inside and out with this mixture and stuff it with the chopped seasonings and introduce a little of the tomato, garlic and cilantro mixture in the cracks on the outside.
Varnish the aluminum foil with the butter mixture just on the shiny side of the foil where the fish will be placed and proceed to wrap it.
Place the fish on the griddle and cover it. Cook over medium heat for approximately 20 minutes, turning the fish at 10 minute intervals on each side.
This delicious fish can be served with tortillas and chili. Or a fresh salad or steamed vegetables.
Thank you reader friend for visiting this post which is 100% original content.
Translation made in Deepl and photos of my authorship taken with the Samsung As1 smartphone.
Picar en cuadritos chicos el tomate, cebolla, el cilantro. Reservar
Pisarlo el ajo en un molcajete agregamos el jugo de medio limón, sal al gusto y una cucharada de mantequilla, extender con 1/4 de taza de agua.
Barnizar todo el pescado por dentro y por fuera con esta mezcla y rellenarlo con los aliños picados e introducir en las hendiduras de la parte externa un poco de la mezcla de tomate,ajo y cilantro.
Barnizar con la mezcla de mantequilla el papel de aluminio justo del lado mas brillante del papel en donde se colocará el pescado y proceder a envolverlo.
Colocar en el comal el pescado y taparlo. Cocinar a fuego medio aproximadamente por 20 min, volteándolo en intervalos de 10 min cada lado.
Este delicioso pescado lo puedes acompañar con unas tortillas y chile. O una fresca ensalada o vegetales al vapor.
Gracias amigo lector por visitar este post el cual es contenido 100% original.
Traducción realizada en Deepl y fotos de mi autoría tomada con el smartphone Samsung As1.
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Hello, thank you for visiting my blog, yes I agree with you I usually buy from the locals I invite you to read this post where I comment about buying from small merchants and tips on how to check if the fish is fresh.
Thanks for your comment, I will be doing quality posts so I hope you visit me whenever you like, have a great week.
I have been craving fish for a while! We have supermarket fish, but it never really is any good. Supporting local is better. Thank you for this recipe though! It looks very similar to the one we make here in South Africa!
Thanks for your comment, I will be doing quality posts so I hope you visit me whenever you like, have a great week.
Hello,@fermentedphil thank you for visiting my blog, yes I agree with you I usually buy from the locals I invite you to read this post where I comment about buying from small merchants and tips on how to check if the fish is fresh. https://hive.blog/hive-168869/@fotomaglys/weekend-sunday-like-a-fish-in-water-fin-de-semana-domingo-como-pez-en-el-agua