My Favorite is Home Cooked Bitter Melon Fry

My Favorite is Home Cooked Bitter Melon Fry


Today I have joined you with a new recipe . My favorite recipe today is Bitter melon fry . Bitter melon fry is one of my favorite recipes . I almost always make Bitter melon fry recipe at home . Bitter melon fry recipe is very beneficial for the body . Today I will share with you through this post how to make Bitter melon fry recipe .This Bitter melon fry is a very easy item for bachelors . This recipe takes much less ingredients to cook . You can learn Bitter melon fry recipe by watching this post of mine . And you can cook this recipe at home if you want . I hope you like this recipe . Let's get started ................
Here I took half a kilo of Bitter melon.

Bitter melon washed with water and cut into pieces.

Here I took two potatoes.

I washed the potatoes with water and cut them into pieces.


Here I have taken some onions and green chillies.


Now I cut the onion and green chillies.


Now I will heat the pan with oil. When the oil is hot, fry the onion and green chillies till they turn brown.


Now I will give the amount of salt.


Now I put bitter melon and potatoes in the pan.


Shake on low heat and cook for a while , The color change can be seen very nicely after cooking for a while.


Once the recipe is ready, you can take it in a bowl and serve it as you like.


I hope you like my today's recipe. Thank you all very much.

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