Hello friends . what's up ?
Today we are going to cook together. I told you before about my interest in cooking. And in this post, I am going to share one of my delicious dishes with you.
To cook this dish you need:
2 chicken breasts
2 onions
200g mushrooms
300g cream
1 glass of milk
1 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp red pepper
1/2 tsp thyme
Juice of half a fresh lemon
(You can also add corn, sweet pepper and carrot, it will be delicious)
Well, now let's go to the recipe
First, cook the chicken in water for 20 to 30 minutes with chopped onions, salt, pepper, turmeric and a little oil.
When the chickens are cooked. We put them in a container to cool and then we finely slice them.
Fry sliced onions in a pan with oil. When the onions are golden, we add the chickens to them and add some of the mentioned spices and then add the rest of the ingredients we have. After all the ingredients are well cooked, add the cream and mix with the ingredients until it becomes smooth, then add the milk little by little, and after 5 minutes, our food is ready to serve.
Hope you enjoy😉