Gotu kola leaves The panacea for the family

Oh my friends, in this post I will write some of the benefits of using herbal medicines, one of which is gotu kola leaves. Gotu kola is a plant that comes from the tropics and is widely found in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia. This plant does not need special care, it is easy to grow by itself.Greetings to all lovers, hopefully we are always healthy so we can move every day, what happens if our bodies are sick, try to keep our bodies healthy by always consuming herbal medicines.

Gotu kola leaf is not only a liar plant, this plant that has a latent language (Centella asiatica) can be trusted to be a herbal medicine for humans since ancient times.

This leaf can overcome health problems. Like:







-Cognitive function enhancement.
-Coping with Alzheimer's Disease.
-Reduces anxiety and stress.
-as an antidepressant.
-Overcoming insomnia.
-Reduce scars.

On that day we also made medicine for our child. He coughed a few days, usually if we squeeze the water from the gotu kola leaves and give it, it will get better.
The way we make medicine from gotu kola leaves is very easy, we take the leaves that grow on the bush, after being squeezed, the water is mixed with a little salt and filtered, then given.




I hope this article is useful for me. That's it and thank you.
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To @esteemmother