Dear foodies...
"Asam di gunung, Garam di laut, dalam belanga satu jua", perhaps this familiar Indonesian proverb can represent the taste of typical Indonesian cuisine. This country, which has 34 provinces, is known for its various types of food and of course it's delicious to eat.
Lunch is one of the defining times in Indonesia, even according to a number of studies, Indonesians rarely have breakfast in the morning and make up for it at noon. The lunch menu varies greatly, depending on your taste and financial rate.
This time I will share one of the most legendary lunch menu recipes in Indonesia. Have you ever heard of Sayur Bening and Terasi Sambal [shrimp paste]? Or even had time to taste it, and the taste that is served was typical of Indonesia.
"Asam di gunung, Garam di laut, dalam belanga satu jua", mungkin pribahasa yang familiar di Indonesia ini dapat mewakili cita rasa masakan khas Indonesia. Negara yang memiliki 34 provinsi ini memang dikenal dengan beragam jenis makanan dan tentunya enak serta lezat disantap.
Makan siang adalah salah satu waktu yang menentukan di Indonesia, bahkan menurut sejumlah penelitian, orang Indonesia jarang sarapan di pagi hari dan menebusnya di waktu siang hari. Menu makan siang sangat bervariasi, tergantung selera dan kemampuan finasial pastinya.
Kali ini saya akan membagikan salah satu resep menu makan siang yang sangat legendaris di Indonesia. Sayur Bening dan Lalapan terasi, apakah teman-teman pernah mendengarnya? Atau bahkan sempat mencicipinya, pastinya rasa yang disuguhkan khas Indonesia.
Sayur Bening is a mixture of vegetables that are boiled first, not too long to boil it, just to cook the vegetables. The vegetables consist of spinach, kale, long beans, cabbage, bean sprouts, melinjo leaves, and melinjo fruit. I am so familiar that the raw materials for making Sayur Bening are sold in traditional markets for IDR 2000 in one package.
Meanwhile, Sambal Terasi is a chili sauce made from the raw material for terasi [fermented shrimp] which is one of the typical food spices in Indonesia.
Sayur Bening adalah campuran sayur-sayuran yang direbus terlebih dahulu, cara merebusnya juga tidak terlalu lama, hanya untuk matang saja sayurannya. Sayur terdiri dari bayam, kangkung, kacang panjang, kol, toge, daun melinjo, dan buah melinjo. Saking familiarnya bahan baku untuk membuat sayur bening ini dijual di pasar-pasar tradisional dengan harga IDR 2000 dalam satu paketnya.
Sedangkan Sambal Terasi adalah sambal yang dibuat dari bahan baku terasi [fermentasi udang] yang menjadi salah satu bumbu makanan khas di Indonesia.
The ways to serve this clear vegetable and chili paste are as follows.
2 bunches of spinach
2 carrots
1/2 Medium chayote
Long beans
Melinjo leaves (to taste)
Melinjo fruit (to taste)
2 pieces of garlic
2 red onions
to taste Salt
2 segments of kencur
2 bay leaves
2 cm Galangal
to taste Sugar
Wash and cut to taste all ingredients
Crushed garlic, crushed red onion, crushed kencur, crushed galangal.
Boil water, while adding carrots, pumpkin, kencur, bay leaves and galangal. Cook until boiling until the texture of the carrots & pumpkin is not too hard. Add salt and sugar to taste, then correct the taste. Enter the spinach, don't boil it for too long. Sayur Bening
ready to be served.
Adapun cara untuk menyajikan Sayur bening dan Sambal Terasi ini adalah sebagai berikut.
2 ikat bayam
2 batang wortel
1/2 labu siam ukuran Sedang
Kacang panjang
Daun melinjo (secukupnya)
Buah melinjo (secukupnya)
Bumbu :
2 buah bawang putih
2 buah bawang merah
secukupnya Garam
2 ruas kencur
2 lembar daun salam
2 cm Lengkuas
secukupnya Gula pasir
Cuci bersih dan potong sesuai selera semua bahan, Bawang putih memarkan,bawang merah memarkan,kencur memarkan,lengkuas memarkan. Rebus air,sambil masukan wortel,labu,kencur,daun salam dan lengkuas. Masak hingga mendidih sampai tekstur wortel & labu sudah tidak terlalu keras. Masukan garam dan gula secukupnya,lalu koreksi rasa. Masukan bayam,dan jangan terlalu lama merebusnya. Sayur bening siap dihidangkan.
Meanwhile, to Sambal Terasi, the ingredients needed are as follows.
10 red chilies
4 bird's eye chilies
2 red onions
1 shrimp paste
1 garlic
1 red tomato
Salt to taste
Sugar to taste
Right amount of oil
Heat the cooking oil, add (in order) the shrimp paste, shallots, garlic, then wait until it is half cooked. Then add the tomatoes, when they are ripe, then add the red and cayenne pepper. It's all cooked, then drained for a moment. Then it is pulverized [milled], if in a modern way, it can be blended. Add salt and sugar, Sambal Terasi is ready to eat with the available Sayur Bening. Good luck foodies.
Sedangkan untuk membuat Sambal terasi, adapun bahan yang dibutuhkan adalah sebagai berikut.
10 cabe merah
4 cabe rawit
2 bawang merah
1 terasi
1 bawang putih
1 Tomat merah
Garam secukupnya
Gula pasir secukupnya
Minyak goreng secukupnya
Panaskan minyak goreng, masukan (secara berurutan) terasi,bawang merah,bawang putih, kemudian tunggu sampai setengah matang. Lalu masukan tomat, bila sudah matang, baru masukkan cabe merah dan rawit. Sudah Matang semua, lalu ditiriskan sejenak. Kemudian diulek [digiling],jika secara modern bisa di blender. Tambahkan garam dan gula,
Sambal siap disantap bersama Sayur Bening yang sudah tersedia. Selamat mencoba foodies.
All photos were taken by POCO M3

Source of plagiarism
Plagiarism is the copying & pasting of others' work without giving credit to the original author or artist. Plagiarized posts are considered fraud and violate the intellectual property rights of the original creator.
Fraud is discouraged by the community and may result in the account being Blacklisted.
If you believe this comment is in error, please contact us in #appeals in Discord.
This is a food recipe, everywhere you look it's the same, ingredients and step.
They did the same to me. I guess it should be written that I cooked it in a hat instead of cooking it in a pot so that it would not be the same anymore. I also wrote from my mother's notebook.
A cooking recipe is like a mathematical formula, one spice is not the same, so the result of the dish will not be the same as the recipe we have. I do not know what wrongs with them.
I am not sure why this abuser tugbabeauty is trying to bring attention to this particular recipe plagiarism. The account is ridden with plagiarism of all sorts of writings. You can clearly see in the comments that we left on multiple of the user's posts that were published last week.
The user has been scamming Hive with plagiarism for ages.
@hivewatchers I want the problem of this recipe to clear first, you have to understand if the recipe is the same, wherever you see it.
You can see other posts mine, I am not a plagiarist on this platform. All dishes are mine, if there is a similarity in terms of recipe writing, you should understand this is a food recipe.
Everything is the same, for example; you make a glass of coffee, you need hot water, coffee powder and sugar (according to taste).
Of course the ingredients and steps you take are the same as mine too, if I want to make a glass of coffee, I need hot water, coffee powder, and sugar (according to taste).
So what is plagiarism if the recipe and the ingredients we need are the same to make a cup of coffee. Lets discuss its clearly.
Part of the post is plagiarism. You have not written the ingredients instructions nor the steps of the process so the content is plagiarism. You have not provided the source of the recipe.
"Of course the ingredients and steps you take are the same as mine too, if I want to make a glass of coffee, I need hot water, coffee powder, and sugar (according to taste)."
It is a logical fallacy. The similarity of the process of making something does not mean that the written text has to be identical. It is identical when a person does not describe the process in their own words by but copying the words of someone else (plagiarism).
We have not found any other plagiarism in your blog for now, so this comment is just for the information for now.
Please ignore the perpetual scammer-plagiarist tugbabeauty.
Keep fooling yourself