[ESP-ENG] Delicioso arroz con pollo, te enseño paso a paso a hacerlo // Delicious rice with chicken, I teach you step by step how to do it

Saludos feliz noche queridos amigos de Foodies Bee Hive es para mí un gran placer estar con ustedes todas las noches con una deliciosa receta. Hoy Arroz con pollo, es muy fácil de realizar; a continuación te muestro el paso a paso de su preparación.

Greetings happy night dear friends of Foodies Bee Hive it is a great pleasure for me to be with you every night with a delicious recipe. Today rice with chicken is very easy to make; Below I show you the step by step of its preparation.



• Pollo
• Arroz
• Ajíes
• Cubito
• Cebolla
• Cilantro
• Ajo
• Sal
• Onoto molido
• Agua


• Chicken
• Rice
• peppers
• Ulna
• Onion
• Cilantro
• Garlic
• Salt
• ground onoto
• Water





Primero cortamos los aliños en cuadros pequeños.

First we cut the dressings into small squares.


Agregamos el pollo picado en una olla, además de los aliños, sal y cubito. Llevamos al fuego.

We add the chopped chicken in a pot, in addition to the dressings, salt and cube. We take to the fire.


Luego lavamos el arroz y cuando el pollo este hirviendo añadimos el arroz, agua, el onoto molido y el ajo. Dejamos hervir cuando esté secando el agua tapamos y dejamos cocinar a fuego lento.

Then we wash the rice and when the chicken is boiling we add the rice, water, ground onoto and garlic. Let it boil when the water is drying, let it cook, cover and leave it on low heat.


Servimos aún caliente acompañado de plátano frito.

We serve still hot accompanied by fried plantain.

Hasta aqui mi receta de hoy, espero que les haya gustado siempre agradecido de su apoyo. Hasta mañana.

So far my recipe for today, I hope you liked it, always grateful for your support. Until tomorrow.


Simple and easy to understand
You sure know how to make things look very easy
Nice one
Expecting a piece of my chicken

thanks my friend. I always do my best to have good content in the community. Greetings

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Greetings to you as well friend

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Ciao piacere di conoscerti complimenti deve essere molto delizioso Voglio provare a cucinarlo anche se non sono molto brava in cucina
Ti auguro una buona serata