Fried striped fish with rice and tostones.
Blessed night my dear friends, after the bad time I had with the purchase of the fish I decided to cook it today and enjoy even the most expensive fish I have ever eaten and for that I will tell you how I prepared it.
The first thing I did was to wash the fish well with plenty of water and then with lemon juice, after that I drained them well and put them in a tray to dress them.
Pescado Rayado frito con arroz y tostones.
Bendecida noche mis queridos amigos, después del mal rato que pase con la compra del pescado decido cocinarlo hoy y disfrutarme hasta la miguita del pescado más caro que me he comido y para eso les cuento como lo prepare.
Lo primero que hice fue lavar bien el pescado con bastante agua y luego con jugo de limón, luego de esto los escurrí bien y los coloque en una bandeja para aderezarlos.
When everything was ready, I began to serve the plates and added a little bit of parboiled yucca that I had already made.
Al tener todo listo comencé por servir los platos y aparte agregue un poquito de yuca sancochada que ya tenia hecha
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