This is a typical Alicante restaurant specialized in paella and Tabarca fish cauldron, but it's also nice to have some classic tapas as well as some new original main dishes.
With an average price of €50 per person if you don't order wine, they currently have a ⭐4.3 rating in Google Maps and my personal rating was ⭐4.
- Manchego cheese tapa.
- Ham croquette.
- Grilled fresh scallop.
- Freshly made small tortilla sandwich.
- Discarlux aged beef tataki with anchovies, mayonnaise and soya beans (1).
- Discarlux aged beef tataki with anchovies, mayonnaise and soya beans (2).
- Discarlux aged beef tataki with anchovies, mayonnaise and soya beans (close up).
- Idiazabal cheese cheesecake with candied figs.
Overall evaluation of the restaurant: 6 points out of 10.
Photographs taken with my Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra 5G camera.
¡Dichosos los ojos! Un placer volver a leerte por aquí. La única pega es que siempre me entra hambre después de visitar tus posts 😀
Ja, ja, ja, ¡gracias crack! Vuelvo a las andadas..., aunque iré alternando con paisajes de viajes y así no doy tanta hambre, je, je.
Un placer leerte de nuevo, Javier.