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RE: Oat Based Vegan Plain Yogurt オーツベースのヴィーガンヨーグルト [English and Japanese]

in Foodies Bee Hive9 days ago

That looks mighty good. My usual breakfast is oatmeal, almond milk and banana. Sounds very boring but I like it and its affordable.

Say what!!!?

"our grocery tax is currently free"

Are you in Japan at the moment?


Hi there! Your breakfast sounds very healthy.
I currently live in Canada. The tax break started on December 14 here, but I’m not sure until when it will last. In Japan, they stabilized the food tax but didn’t offer a tax break. We all need a tax break from everything!

Interesting, never heard of a PM doing that. We could all deal with a tax break indeed, especially on crypto taxes in Japan 😄

Yeah the breakfast is healthybuttsometimess the cold food can be boring and wreak a little havoc on the stomach.