Fight for Authentic Bogor Dish, Ngohiang!

in Foodies Bee Hive2 months ago


Hello, friends especially foodies!

When i took some days off recently, i spent those days in mommy's house. That day, on Tuesday, my boyfriend and i decided to go to Bogor, a city that located in West Java. We went there special to have my favorite dish that originally came from the city, Ngohiang.

Of course before going there i had already asked mommy whether she wanted to join us but her answer was no, she still had to do some things that day so she didn't join us. To start that day, mom cooked savory squid with sliced chilli. She told me to have some before i go to Bogor that day... so i took a bit of it with rice.


Like i had already predicted before i had it. It was totally delicious. It had tasty savory spicy flavour that even made my mouth watering by telling you about it. No wonder because all of mommy's cooking are usually tasty. I love them all!

My boyfriend and i met at Tanah Abang train station because it was close to mommy's house. The entrance gate was a bit hard to find so it took me several minutes to find it.


The journey was as predicted, smooth and without any barriers (although the train was quite full). We arrived there after around 85 minutes of the journey by train. I took a photo near the rail and the snack seller.


Unfortunately when we reached Bogor, it was raining. But luckily, my boyfriend had an umbrella so that we were so romantic to be under an umbrella together.

Then after another minutes (maybe around 40 minutes of waiting) of the online cab, finally we could ride it and it took us to Surya Kencana street, where this special dish sold. Unlucky for us, after searching here and there then we found a sad fact that the ngohiang restaurant was closed that day. When i browsed, google said that it closed every Tuesday but it was too late cause we already in Bogor.


Then we browsed to find other restaurant that sold ngohiang. Lucky for us it said that there was one another restaurant that sold ngohiang.... so we looked for it. And here it was


Such a relieve that we finally could find it after went here and there in the street. What a fight, we needed to go from Jakarta then there we had to find a reality that my favorite ngohiang restaurant was closed that day..

Inside we could see how they processed ngohiang. Fried and cut it off.


This place only had a modest dining area with no air conditioner because Bogor itself well known as city of rain so that the air was naturally cool there. Just modest it was not a kind of restaurant where we could do chit chat.


Main dishes that this restaurant had were ngohiang, pangsit penganten (bridegroom dumpling), sotomie ciseeng (ciseeng noodle soto), lomie (lo noodle), mie ayam baso (chicken noodle with meatball), and soto ayam (chicken soto).


Here were two portions of ngohiang that we ordered that day


And i also ordered authentic bogor dessert, es pala (nutmeg iced).


Now let me tell you how the food and drink i had that day



Talk a bit about ngohiang, ngohiang is actually chinese authentic dish that made of minced meat wrapped with flour and fried. What made special of ngohiang is that it made with ngohiang powder that is a mixture of five spices that depends on the yin yang balance concept and those are star anise, cloves, cinnamon, andaliman and fennel seeds.

The ngohiang we had was made of minced pork, chicken and also shrimp. It had savory flavour with crunchy skin and soft texture. It also served with tasty sweet thick paste. Plus beside ngohiang we also had boiled potato and fried tofu plus pickles too.


Here was the slice of ngohiang from a closer distance.


Believe me it was super tasty!

Next for the dessert drink, i ordered

ES PALA (Nutmeg Iced)


Nutmeg iced made of sliced nutmeg served with sweet liquid sugar and ice cubes. It had less sweet flavour than it usually and the nutmeg slices unfortunately were not fresh. So it was a big no that day.

The price of the ngohiang each was 47K IDR, or around 2 USD something. While the es pala was 15K IDR or not even a USD.


What we ordered that day were 2 portion of ngohiang, es pala and iced tea, so we paid 114K IDR altogether.

Well, at least their ngohiang could help my longing of ngohiang, even it was not perfect but it was tasty.. But i still want to come there to my favorite restaurant to have ngohiang of course..

Business Information

NGOHIANG khas Bogor Gedung Dalam
154th, Suryakencana street
Open daily 9 am - 6 pm

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All of the pictures were taken with Samsung A52 5G android phone.

A bit about the author


Devy Leona

She works in a bank but she interests in CRAFT (CRaft, Art, Food and Travel). To pursue her art passion she does the cross stitch, embroidery, handsewing, crafts, crochet and also draws. Find hers in and Also find her cute collectibles pixel cat pictures here . Find her contents, follow, like and subscribe