Petition the EU Parliament to keep the nomenclature "milk" for non dairy drinks.

Petition the EU Parliament to keep the nomenclature "milk" for non dairy drinks.

Sign this Petition! This is bullshit. -

The Dairy industry is so scared of the Vegan Movement that they now try to ban pictures on vegan milks!

Making the excuse that their costumers gets confused! So they are saying their cosumers are stupid x)


I think you should ask the Codex Alimentarius (international organism regulating food standards) to change the definition of the term "milk", since that is where it is defined that milk is secretion of the mammary glands of dairy animals. I don't know if this request is so simple to do, although times change and societies advance, some things should be made more flexible.

On the other hand, in Argentina the term "milk" cannot be mentioned in a product that is not, these must receive descriptions of the style 'drinkable food based on vegetable X ". But "milk" in the packaging? Absolutely not.

Its already called a "drink".

Why non-dairy emulsions need to position themselves on the market as 'milk'? A thing they are objectively not. A thing that they hate...

Its already not known as milk. Its called a Drink now :)

Its just bullshit rules.