

Este rico dulce en forma de corazón de guayaba es ideal para días especiales, me inspiré cuando encontré unos moldecitos en forma de corazón y hoy los he estrenado, son pequeños por lo que se requiere poca cantidad de ingredientes, aquí te muestro como hice estos corazones de guayaba, espero te animes a hacerlos.

This delicious guava heart-shaped candy is ideal for special days, I was inspired when I found some heart-shaped molds and today I have used them for the first time, they are small so it requires a small amount of ingredients, here I show you how I made these guava hearts, I hope you are encouraged to make them.

Ingredientes para el bizcocho:

Clara de 2 huevos
60 gr de azucar
50 ml de aceite
1 cucharada de vainilla
80 ml de leche líquida

Ingredients for the cake:

2 egg whites
60 gr of sugar
50 ml of oil
1 tablespoon vanilla
80 ml of liquid milk


Para decorar:

200 gr de mermelada de guayaba
1 clara de huevo
60 gr de azucar

To decorate:

200 gr guava marmalade
1 egg white
60 gr of sugar




Realicé el bizcocho de vainilla batiendo con batidora eléctrica en un bold las claras de huevos por 5 minutos, continué batiendo y agregue el aceite, el azucar, la leche y la harina y por último la vainilla.


I made the vanilla sponge cake by beating the egg whites with an electric mixer in a bold for 5 minutes, continued beating and added the oil, sugar, milk and flour and finally the vanilla.





Engrasé y enharine mis moldecitos de corazón, adentro la mezcla y a hornear a 170 grados centigrados por 20 minutos

I greased and floured my little heart molds, put the mixture inside and bake at 170 degrees centigrade for 20 minutes.



Al estar listo el bizcocho y ya frío dividí por la mitad los corazones horizontalmente y lo rellené con mermelada de guayaba, los cerré y los cubrí con la misma mermelada

When the cake was ready and cooled, I divided the hearts horizontally in half and filled them with guava jam, closed them and covered them with the same jam.




Para terminar de decorar realicé un merengue con la clara de huevo y el azúcar batiendo las claras a punta suspiro y agregé el azúcar, al estar improvisé una manga con una bolsa pequeña y decoré.

To finish decorating I made a meringue with the egg white and sugar, beating the egg whites at sigh point and added the sugar, then I improvised a piping bag with a small bag and decorated.




Gracias por leer, espero te haya gustado y y lo realices en casa. Dios les bendiga grandemente.

Todas las fotos son de mi autoría, traducción al ingles hecha por DeepL

Thank you for reading, I hope you liked it and that you can make it at home. God bless you greatly.

All photos are my own, English translation made by DeepL


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Guava is one of my all-time favorite fruits. With that being said, I will definitely try this one out.

Guavas are also one of my favorite fruits. Try it, it is very tasty. Regards

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